Classic - PvP Content Plan

It’s not happening

I dunno, Tranq Shot is pretty useful.

I think most Hunters will not know and want to go for higher DPS weapons. Rhok’delar is the most straightforward upgrade from Bloodseeker, and that one requires a lot of personal work. And then the Ashj’rethul is the BiS weapon until KT… but again, not many will know that. Though only Hunters will want it at least.

I think releasing the Pvp honor system and not let people buy the rewards kind of sucks for a couple of reasons IMO. In vanilla you could only buy gear when you where that rank, so if you reached rank 14 but couldnt buy the weapon, then dropped down to rank 13 when the vendors are available you cant buy that rank 14 weapon. Also releasing the honor system and letting people get ranks but not gear only means that when the vendors are released people will be able buy all that gear up to their rank right away. So as soon as your Phase 2 happens you could have people running around in pvp gear right away, But if Phase 2 released the honor system and rewards and people wouldnt get the best gear for 7 weeks after the release.

(I think Blizzard needs to add a 7th phase)
I my mind Blizzard cant withhold the release of their phase 2 content past 3 months from release, it doesnt really make sense compared to Vanilla, people will need more avenues for progression and guilds might need the gear for progression. I also think Blizzard needs to release their phase 3 content at around the 6th month mark from release of Classic because people will likely be running out of PvE things to do in the more progressed more “hardcore” guilds. But I think it doesnt make a lot of sense in Classic to release the PvP system as early as phase 2 or as late as phase 3. I dont think you can release the honor system without rewards or BGs without the honor system. I am sure there will be people that play Classic and will want to focus on PvP and I dont think these people should have to wait 6 months before they get an honor system.

So I personally would prefer if Blizzard made a phase 2.5 for Pvp. Yes it would be one more phase then what Blizzard are talking about now. But with an additional phase Blizzard could release the honor system with early the itemized pvp gear prior to BWL but late enough after release of Classic that it wont have a huge impact on player power progression in MC. The updated PvP gear would be released in phase 5.

I think my “phase 2.5” would include the honor system and BGs. I am concerned if there are no BGs, flight points and quest hubs will get camped. And also what it will be like on PvE servers trying to rank. But I would kind of like to see what actually happens if there was the honor system but no BGs so I am a little torn on this because if BGs are released with honor system we likely wont see the large scale PvP battles that some people are expecting unless people are fighting over a world dragon.

I think it might be best if the (phase 2.5) honor system was released about 1 month prior to the phase 3 BWL release.

I think it would be cool if there where not battle masters in the cities till phase 3.

Some really interesting and well thought-out points there Flech, hmm one thing I would note is that for alot of phase 1 a vast majority of people will still be leveling (that is assuming that its duration is up to 3 months long). While I and many other players will probably level as fast as possible the vast majority will likely not even be able to rank efficiently or effectively before Phase 2.

Also when looking at that assumed 3 month duration of Phase 1, take into consideration that it takes 3 months at the absolute minimum to hit rank 14 getting standing 1 every single week, you might see at the fastest and if at all 1 player on the entire server running around at the start of phase 2 with full r14 gear. At this point (3 months into server Time-line) Molten Core would have been on farm for Many, Many, Many weeks (The fastest clear time from server release to Ragnaros killed on a private server is less then 1 week) so there will be multiple BRE’s OEB’s Rhokdelars and Benedictions already out there in the wold by the time PvP gear is released.

The reason I selected Phase 2 specifically for my time line is because the assumption is that Phase 2 will probably last around 3 months, we know for a fact that 3 months is the absolute fastest time you can hit R14 attaining standing 1 every week and, that would mean that noone would be able to achieve rank 14 before they are able to purchase said R14 gear. Furthermore it would also mean that the PvP sets such as the blue or epic sets could not be used within PvE content which would mean that MC would be as challenging as possible for the widest array of people (even those who leveled up slowly).

I considered the possible implementation of a Phase 2.5 (which I would love, I mean the more phases the better! haha) but used the timetable as was provided by blizzard . And through arranging it and planning it in this manner; in my view removed the need for any phase 2.5 implementation.


It would be a massive screwup to Rank to 14 only to find out you have to stay there to purchase your gear, when it gets added later…

I do like the idea of holding off on Battlemasters as long as possible for the reasons the OP stated. The organic PVP that happens in the world near BG entrances should be pretty epic on most servers. Don’t remove that by adding Battlemasters in cities too soon.

Just responded to that in the post above :smiley:, would be interested in your opinion; from my chair I cant see that issue ever possibly occurring considering that we assume Phase 1 is going to take 3 months and that we know the fastest time you can possibly hit rank 14 (assuming you get standing 1 every single week) is 3 months.

(If phase 1 took less time the schedule should be adjusted accordingly)

you’ve got to be trolling OP

implement an honor system with decay but without any rewards? Until pve catches up?

rank 14 was tougher than ANYTHING in pve and the reward was commensurate

if anything, pvp gear and systems should be maintained without question - pve is the not the only reason people play this game and should never been a second thought to pve

try reading before posting.

I don’t like PvP at all, but this is the only way my Tauren can get a raptor without needing lottery luck. I’m really curious to know when Black War mounts will be a thing. I’m also curious as to how balls hard it is to get Rank 11, knowing it’ll be a special kind of hell for someone that doesn’t really enjoy PvP that much and just wants a mount that circumvents arbitrary race/mount restrictions.

you can do quests and cloth turn ins for troll rep to get a raptor mount.

you could want to plan your character around that, like leave tauren starting zone asap and go to orc/troll zone and do their quests.

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I’d do that in a heart beat, but sadly, race/mount restrictions are a thing in Vanilla (and were until I believe WotLK) and Tauren can’t ride raptors aside from the Swift Razzashi Raptor or Black War Raptor (Tauren can’t ride Skeletal Horses either, not even the Black War one, only Baron Rivendare’s Deathcharger).

Hence why I have to bother with PvP. What’s worse is that there are so few Darkspear reputation quests in Vanilla. They, and Gnomeregan, are full on impossible to get Exalted with without excessive Runecloth turn-ins. I’d say Stormwind, Darnassus, Orgrimmar and Undercity are the easiest, with Ironforge and Thunder Bluff being dubious.

I don’t think PvP should be out at launch because it wasn’t out in launch in vanilla.

I believe world PvP should come out with the DM patch and world dragons.

BGs should come out with BWL (WSG/AV) and AB should come out with ZG.

I’m not sure what you mean by world pvp. You could always kill enemy players. But there was just no honor system.

I think hes talking about, honour system without bgs? i am not exactly sure though :woozy_face:

Have they even suggested progressive items? They said they were going in and editing the drop tables for relics. I do not think they have the resources to go to those PVP items, change the stats and then change the stats again.

Also, I think people are MASSIVELY underestimating the time investment needed for a majority of these things, as you said with rank 14. People talk about it so casually. Same with exalted with WSG/AB. Someone did a thread on the classic Reddit saying you’d need to win 270 games to get exalted with AB.

Also, with your regard to Battlemasters. Battlemasters were in the game longer than they were not in the game. PVP launched 1.4 and battlemasters were in the game in 1.5. I believe they were not in the game for a little under a month. They should be included from the start of BGs.

Why do people act like updating a few tables in a database is somehow difficult?

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Mmm it really wouldnt require much work at all just a simple db adjustment

In response to gear concerns…
Hmm, potentially a “change” haha gasp shock and horror, could be to allow people who attain a certain rank buy gear of the relevant rank retroactively, this would remove any potential risk of missing out on gear due to lack of availability, and in reality would maintain pvp on pve mitigation, while posing close to no impact on gameplay.

Well delaying rewards are ok for honor what ever.
Could you imagine if level 19 rank 14 player got a hold of black war mounts,.

Not having battle masters at major cities should be good or fun, why segment only pve and cut out all of pvp until phase 3 or 4. So yep they should decide to not put those battle masters out until a later phase.

But warsong and ab vendor items should be there when their bgs come out where you turn in marks.
For av sure if they are trying to deter using pvp vendor goods in pve content which is kinda stupid, then do it with its rep stuff.
They could even release av in a different patch with the complete rank bg items and so on.

PvP was out at launch, they didn’t have time to implement anything except enabling faction vs faction killing, wow is a faction vs faction game it was always intended to be partially pvp.

@Archeon - I have been enjoying reading others’ ideas. They share things that mattered to them. Even through disagreements people are commonly expressing concerns about the quality of the experience to come. Regardless, the devs have stated that patch 1.12 will be used, and it appears that they will uphold patch integrity. That is a kind way of telling players that any other ideas can be told to the hand. Blizzard has all the data they need.

Let us try to keep things positive, and help promote Blizzard’s products to keep the company solvent. Thank you for sharing fellow gamer.