Classic Plus!

Debatable, maybe.

  • dual spec


  • summoning stones

Yeah that’s fine.

  • buff druids, pallies and rogues

Too vague

  • remember to keep warriors super buff (this is real important)


  • karazhan crypts as a dungeon, etc.

Most people want vanilla Kara/crypts, so agreed.

  • quest line to discover the uncorrupted lightbringer, make it harder to obtain than thunderfury and so over the top powerful, that its a jaw dropping moment when you see someone with it. this is the secret sauce of vanilla.

No Vertical Power Creep
Finished quest even for the lightbrininger, sure.

  • cheaper mounts

Absolutely not.

  • each class gets an additional spec that incorporates shapeshifts, such as a necro lock spec with a banshee/lich shapeshift, undead pets. etc. some ideas The Great Shapeshift


  • limited transmogs

How so? Color Dyes for armor? Only certain item slots?
Personally, no.

  • player housing

Low priority, but sure w/e.

  • new profession - architect

I agree with new professions, but not so much architect (wat?)

  • playable ogres for horde


  • playable tbc high elves for alliance. blue trimmed silvermoon. quest to change faction if you want to be blood elf instead. if you go blood elf, silvermoon converts to red trim blood elf city, but only blood elves or horde see it red trim, alliance and high elves see it blue. if you want to raid it pvp, you get the option to select to see the zone as the opposite faction. maybe have a zidori type npc that lets you do this. or perhaps the option to go blood elf doesnt happen till arthas invasion and high elves have to flee to sw, then the blue trim silvermoon is gone, replaced by red trim blood elf capital.


  • if blood elf thing happens, alliance will need 1 more playable race - maybe ethereals.

Laughably, No.