Classic Players Ignored

This seems to be the only forum that has any Blizzard employee response. Can a support person direct the hundreds of out crys about over population and extreme que times from the WoW Classic forums? Guilds are shattering and people are quitting left and right. The lack of ANY response by a Blizzard employee is outlandish.

Any response about queue times would not come from CS. It would come from the Community Managers over in the Classic General forums.


The answer has not changed from the ones given this week in the other threads on this topic. Customer Support agents are not liaisons with the Devs. Repeatedly asking the same question as in the locked threads is not going to get a different answer. just because there isn’t a blue post doesn’t mean it wasn’t read. It doesn’t mean it wasn’t discussed.


And yet the player base will never know that, will they? They will just quit en masse. Seems like a good business plan.

Blizzard used to provide more dialogue. Unfortunately that generated a lot of drama as people dissected and took as promises ideas the developers were just thinking about.

So these days, they don’t provide much at all. They get flamed a lot less for it.


Imagine if they came into the classic forums and said, "We hear you, we agree this is a problem. We are working diligently to devise a proper solution and ensure the technical aspects are feasible. " That would go a long way, and help some people be patient and guilds not tear themselves a part from the ques.

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Could be. And, you know, I get it - that’d be nice. You know how toxic forums get though.

That single post would see a thousand replies including threats, demands, and people deliberately misconstruing what was said.


Sure, but silence is worse.

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Just because you don’t see a post it doesn’t mean it isn’t being read.


but how will we ever know? To be silent is bad community management. It only takes a few reps on a mid level salary to handle community relations.

Everybody want a Blue post to acknowledge them, most of the time it’s not needed.


Mostly because we’ve seen it time and time again. Even recently there have been changes to both Classic and Retail thanks to the players providing feedback and Blizzard listening.

To add to that, there have certainly been times where CMs have posted that things are being looked into. However, that almost never happens unless they also can provide an idea of the options they might be looking at.


What should Blizzard do about queue times because people chose to go to an over populated realm?


The forums as a whole are for players to talk to other players.

If someone did post, the thread would be overrun with posts asking why that specific topic got a post and not these other 2000 threads. The same way that you created yet another thread on this topic in the Customer Support forum. Just because there’s blue posts in Customer Support does not mean they are there to pass on information to the Devs.

So much this^^^^^^^

Players chose the realms they did. Players paid to move their characters to those realms. Free transfers don’t work. Players want to be on a high-population server. Players feel that someone else should change servers so they don’t have a queue. Blizzard is not going to force players to change realms.

You are asking for a long-term solution for a short-term problem. Once the pandemic is under control businesses are going to reopen. When the businesses reopen players are going to be back to work. Once that happens the populations will stabilize again.


As others said, a blue posting won’t settle anyone down. In fact, it’ll make it far, far worse. Folks will yell and scream at the top of their lungs about why they didn’t post in X thread. Posting about Y issue that poster/group has an issue with. Making death related posts about them, their family and the like.

A blue post will only make folks act like half starved wolfs going after their prey.


This is not a short term problem. TWO servers full of alliance xferred into Incendius. We went from 4.5k pop to 12k pop in two months. We were already full and they allowed more people in.

There’s two solutions:

  1. Re-implement layering.
  2. Free xfers off

And there’s two big issues with those solutions:

  1. Folks wanted classic as it was, so no layering.
  2. Free moves is often and will always be met with “Let the other person move, I’m not moving.”
  1. Its not classic as it was because of the mega servers they allowed
  2. Sure, but with 3 1/2 - 4 hour ques, a lot of guilds are ready to high tail it out.

Here’s the thing though, folks have and will keep going to the most popular server/faction there is. This happened through the years of wow and up to a few expacks ago. Folks been saying free moves will fix the issue, forcing folks off and the like. They offer free moves in the past, more times than night, folks either didn’t like where the free move to was, so they stay put. They didn’t want to move because of friends/guildmates, etc.

Just offering them won’t fix the issue, nor blizz will force people to move.


Assuming they don’t change their mind at the last minute, and wait until other people transfer off instead.