Faction: Horde
Server Type: PvE - Remulos
Region: Oceanic
Guild Type: Semi-Hardcore, Casual , All Welcome
Primary Time Zone: Sydney GMT+10 AEST
Schedule: 2-3 days a week evening raid times from 9pm AEST
Hello All,
We are recruiting for Classic Guild Luciform , GM and Officers are Australian based long time wow players that started in vanilla and played WOW for many years. Currently we are 10/10 MC and 1/1 Ony. Filling our second raid team.
We are looking for like minded players that are keen to experience classic and progress to end game. We plan to level in groups and get into dungeon grinds and gearing for raids.
We’re not just after raiders… casual players welcome and the understanding that it’s not 2004 anymore, we know people have got family and responsibilities etc we got that too.
If your interested and want more information please send me a PM or jump on our Discord - discord.gg/mgfVUAC
Hi, I played on Dath’remar and Khaz’goroth during Vanilla with the guild Meddle as a holy priest. I’ll be definitely hitting you up.
bumping this
lets get all those keen pve players a home!
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keen to join if you want a mage or a off tank please hit me up …
Still prepping. If you have or haven’t played Vanilla, it’s all good. C’mon let’s do this.
Jump in the disc and drop us a line. Get your buddies in too.
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Server names are out, we will be on - OCE - Remulos / PvE
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Still running the recruitment drive everyone! drop me a pm if you have any questions
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Hey all, We are currently sitting at 30 players planning to join. 
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All welcome. Some slots left for those looking at raiding and plenty of space for those who just want to play casually their way and maybe slip into a raid or two occasionally.
C’mon, join the discord and have a chat with us. We’re all pretty chill.
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Currently sitting around the 30+ in the guild listing. Join the discord, get the deets and add your name to the roster with what class and spec you’re interested in playing.
Healthy numbers so far and a good amount of people signing up.
Casual or raider, PVPer or not. All welcome.
I normally play alliance but would be keen to give this a go. Would be casual.
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No worries at all, it’s a fresh start afterall 
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Interested but how are you for tanks. Looking to relive the vanilla glory days as a prot warrior.
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We’ve been speaking to a lot of people and have had a lot of interest and are filling out our roster. We’ve still got room and of course will welcome casual players that may do a little bit of raiding or none at all. Feel free to jump on the discord link and have a chat. 
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Feel free to jump in the disc, throw your name up in the roster and what class you’re likely to play. We’re closing in on over 40+ currently. We welcome raiders and casuals alike. Don’t be shy, have a quick chat.
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Bumpin’ like old times.
I’ve had the theme from “The NeverEnding Story” stuck in my head for the last few days. It’s maddening.
…oh and we’re reaching the 50 mark. Plenty of room, all welcome! 
Plenty of space for raiders and casuals alike. Jump into discord, have a chat and see what we’re all about.
For those that want to raid - Quick raids led by people who have done the content originally in Vanilla (MC -> Naxx40) and have raided for many years since. It’s simple content that will have quick easy explanations for those that haven’t done it but I anticipate steamrolling through relatively quickly. (The old meme of with a 40 man you had 20 raiding, 10 doing about half of what they should and 10 on autofollow.)
For those that just want to play vanilla without raiding, there will always be people wanting to run instances. Whether it be for mains or alts.