<Murmur> NA/Horde/Hardcore/Loot Council/PvP
is recruiting to fill out multiple 40 man raid teams. Our raid times are projected around 8:30 PM EST.
Our History:
Murmur formed in 2007 during The Burning Crusade expansion and we have been playing together across multiple games and expansions over the years. Our guild moved to private servers in 2013 and have progressed Molten Core to Naxxramas multiple times since then. All of our goals and decisions are based around clearing Naxxramas during Classic release.
What we’re looking for - PvE: Solid players who are interested in pushing content while also being afforded the option of a flexible raid schedule.
We are currently accepting exceptional players for all classes and roles.
We are also actively looking for Class Leaders for Shaman, Druid, Priest, Mage, Warlock.
What we’re looking for - PvP: Serious players who are looking to push ranks early and either know the Honor system or are willing to learn it. We are also actively looking for a PvP/Premade Leader.
What we are not looking for: We play this game for team based progression, self serving players should look elsewhere. We are currently not accepting Feral Cats, Elemental Shaman, or Enhancement Shaman.
Discord - Kurthos#8372
Battlenet - Kurthos#1604