Okay but how many is that? That’s a very niche group you’re asking them to dedicate an entire server to. Not only perma-PvP, but RP too. So few people were in favor of permanent flagging that they stopped doing it on retail, which is far larger. I can’t imagine it’s technically or financially viable to make a separate server for people who want to be flagged at all times, when they can be flagged at all times on a server that exists already.
Back in I think late TBC and early Wotlk I moved to Maelstrom which is/was a RP-PVP server. Unfortunately, I think most of the RP-pvp servers just mostly became PVP servers over the years as any form of RP was scarce from what I saw.
It is a fun concept but I don’t think a whole lot of players follow through on the RP aspect.
I’m 99.9% percent sure that there were not any RP-PVP servers in classic and they weren’t added until TBC.
…1.12 comes after 1.8. So yes, it existed. They had RPPvP realms by that point. They aren’t being added because Blizzard doesn’t think they will do well to justify adding them, it has nothing to do with Classics data. That being said there’s been non-stop support for them. I see more people wanting to play on them than Traditional RP realms on the forums. I think they will end up being added, at least 1 or 2.
I misread the build as 1.2. At least you weren’t a condescending jerk about it though.
Bottom line, as far as my stance is concerned, is this- I don’t care if they add RP-PvP realms, personally. It does nothing to harm or help my experience if they do or don’t.
That being said, I can understand why they’re not, looking at the state of those server types in retail. They’re not going to want to invest in something that will ultimately just become a PvP server, which they have anyway, or worse yet, just start going inactive. Based on their current data and available information, not doing it is (for once) a pretty logical call on their part.
“Trust us everyone wants it. Everyone.” Doesn’t carry a lot of weight when you look at what happened last time. In the end, I hope everyone enjoys Classic, regardless. Just trying to clarify why I think what I do.
The thing is, overwhelmingly people playing the Beta are picking the PVP server, people playing Private servers play on the PVP Servers. PVP is the majority of the classic crowd and sizable subset do want RPPvP realms. I don’t think it’ll become just another PVP server. Even if it’s 70% PVP 30% RP it’s worth adding.
There were also quite a number of full realms that were flagged with pvp as well in retail before BfA. Illidan, Tichondrius and Mal’ganis comes to mind. Along with Kel’thuzad and Darkspear.
PvP focused players aren’t exactly a small subsection of the community. They were a large part of the community, and RP PvPers just want a home of their own. Just one server.
It’s a niche yes, but a rather large one. A lot of us RP PvPers just want a server to call home in Classic, and you would be surprised at how many of us would totally be down for an RP PvP server.
I understand you feel that way, unfortunately it’s not up to you personally. Blizzard may not feel like that 30% who are RPing (which is a fabricated number based on eyeballing things and anecdotal evidence, if we’re being honest) are worth dedicating a whole server. You’re talking about making a server with the knowledge that 30% or less of the players on it, will use it for its intended purpose.
I can’t say that I’d want to dedicate a server to that either.
I hear this a lot, but the numbers simply don’t support the claim. I think a lot of people define PvP-RP differently than what it technically is, which is where the problem comes in. Most of it is just PvP that people say “I’m IC right now” for. I’m aware that there aren’t… no people who would do it, but looking at simple statistics, there simply isn’t enough precedent for Blizzard to do it.
Unless they wanna give up some money for no real gain back, which… is possible. Maybe not likely, but possible.
30% is probably generous. WrA/Moonguard are the largest RP servers and if you compared the number of actually RP’ing in the major cities (and the much smaller number in World RP) compared to the people in the major cities running misc errands, in dungeons/raids/expeditions/warfronts, or battlefields/arenas etc; it’s a blowout. The RP’ers are in the minority.
Roleplayers aren’t really all that common. Most MMOs don’t seriously dedicate resources to their RP community beyond a little “Description Here” panel. Many MMO’s don’t have dedicated RP servers either. The community has to come together and come to a consensus on which regular/PvP server they’re going to RP on.
But RP’ers are still often perceived as a legitimate community.
The key here is to be visible. You need websites, public events, people active on the forums, etc. Even if your a small portion of the population, you can show that you’re an engaged and active portion of the population- which can go a long way in spurring the devs to occasionally throwing you a bone.
Look at anything from the RP community that spilled over into the actual game like “The Cask and Anvil” and “Her Tallness”. It wasn’t about justifying their popularity with numbers. It was a relatively small group of people showing their creativity and sense of shared community. Sincere enthusiasm is infectious.
I wonder if part of Blizzard’s reluctance is that Classic PVP servers are going to be faction locked. If there are to be any RP-PVP servers, arguably there should really be two, but over time one will be much higher pop than the other.