Classic Hunter: The Retry Timer

Great post, Blizz pls


In the times you’ve not noticed this, was auto shot already toggled on? I can’t speak for most people but I know I’ve personally seen it, and its the whole reason the Hunter community has to use a macro of
/cast Aimed Shot
or something similar to turn off auto shot just to bypass this delay. You can also see it in combat logs where it’s obvious without the macro vs with.


I would play my bwl geared hunter again if they made auto shot not feel so terrible.


In which expansion was Autoshot while moving added? I thought you could in Vanilla. :thinking:

Technically you can work around most of the issues by spamming a /cast !Auto Shot macro when it’s about to be off cd. It will “force” a retry. Should we have to do this? Nah, it’s pretty annoying.

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Blizzard please help

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Blizzard please fix your wood game.


That wasn’t until Cataclysm 4.0.6. I personally like the aesthetic of having to stop to shoot but having it just take longer than usual because the game was originally coded that way and you stopped at the wrong time

It honestly just makes the game feel so clunky. I understand some oddities of vanilla, but this is one that just doesn’t have a place.


I’ve experienced all the points listed above by Sixx and this has definitely affected my hunter’s gameplay in pve/pvp or farming situation. Please help then hunter community and take a look at this blizzard


Having to use a macro to attempt to make this class even playable is horrid, Blizz please change this. It’s bad enough that we’re on the lower end of the dps meters.

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Fixes please

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100% support the recommendation. Even if it’s vital for some kind of ‘kiting balance’ all the other points remain valid and should be adjusted for. UNRESPONSIVE GAME PLAY IS NOT FUN GAME PLAY.


Sixx has more knowledge about hunters in this game than anyone else. This is a broken mechanic that diminishes the ability to play this class at the top end particularly.

More awareness and a Quality of Life fix is needed.


Posting on classic character just for this. FIX THIS


Please fix this blizzard

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Please listen to your userbase and fix this Blizzard. This is a broken mechanic and hunters are shorthanded enough in end game content. This just makes it worse.

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With the way hunters fall off after BWL, we could use all the help we can get. Blizzard please consider this change suggested. Thanks.


you havent fixed feign death at least fix this.


Blizzard, Please listen to this guy and fix this.

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