[Classic] How to hide Blizzard UI for party and raid, or edit it with precision?

I’m a player coming back from many, many years to WoW and, as many of you, Classic re-sparked my interest and nostalgia.

Being of of those UI freaks that want “the perfect UI”, I’ve been trying various add-ons and options to replace specifically party and raid frames. I’ve found some good ones (Luna, Shadowed UF), but none can hide Blizzard party+raid frames, even when their option to do so is clicked, so I end up with TWO party and raid frames, and it’s an ugly mess.

Can someone please help me to get rid completely of Blizzard 1) party and 2) raid frames? I’m very pleased with the rest.

Thank you very much!

Strongly recommend you switch to ElvUI if you want OCD level control.


Thank you! I had tried ElvUI mixed with Luna, Domino, Atlas, Titan etc. but I wasn’t able to remove Bliizzard UI for party and raid. I’ll try a cleaner setup without some of those other addons, there’s probably conflict!

If anyone else knows a sure way to remove 1) party and 2) raid Blizzard UI’s from Classic, please let me know! Thanks!

Weird, the toggles should be under /ec > UnitFrames > General > Disabled Blizzard Frames at least that’s where it is in Retail.


In Classic, /ec leads to an empty screen (no options). Tuk has options available from normal menu, but many commands are unresponsive and errors abound. o.o I think it may take some more time before addons are better for Classic so I’ll try other more basic configs for now. Thank for trying to help, man!

If anyone knows how to get rid of Blizzard’s UI for party and raid in Classic, please let me know! “Hide Blizzard” options from addons are not working!

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There also is https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/hideraidframe or this macro script

/run local f = IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames") and DisableAddOn or EnableAddOn for _, v in pairs({"Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames", "Blizzard_CUFProfiles"}) do f(v) end ReloadUI()

With party frames do you mean Raid-Style Party Frames? Otherwise you should enable that option to also disable the normal party frames


Ketho, thank for sharing that macro! I used it carefully in-game while in a party and I still get the two UI’s (Blizzard + Luna) for the party, which sucks. :frowning:

I tried converting the party to a raid and changing Blizzard official options in “Raid Profile” back and forth, but I cannot get rid of Bliizzard UI for the party. Thank for the patience anyway, man.

Are you using the classic version of the addon? From what I can see in the code the full config interface appears to be there.

Yes! :-/ I took that care with both Tuk and Elv.

Sounds like you have an addon conflict then.

If you can’t solve it on your own I’d recommend hitting up their Discord.

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Dumping most of my addons and starting from the ground up, with basically TukUI and then Atlas, Titan, DBM, Msbt, Questie, SimpleMap, Leatrix and Auctioneer led me to a clean Party and Raid frame! :smiley: Seems like I’ll have my work cut out to manually get it all going. Thanks, everyone!

I did choose to have only TukUI instead of ElvUI because ElvUI for some reasons leaves all my UI very small. Even trying to scale it up doesn’t seem to solve it, but TukUI is very great. Thanks! :smiley:

Have you tried setting Party to use Raid Profiles in Interface Options, setting the Raid Profile to auto display at all group sizes and in all content, then hiding the raid frames?

Also, the flyout itself has a checkbox to hide the unitframes, in the default UI.


I’m using Shadowed Unit Frames and it is hiding the Blizzard Party Frames and Blizzard Raid Frames. Are you sure you’re using the latest version? Also double-check in the SUF “Hide Blizzard” settings that they are checked to be hidden.

that script worked perfect, thanks!!

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