Classic HC should be free to play

I enjoy playing WoW Classic Hardcore and often want to recruit my friends to join. However, the $15 monthly subscription fee is a major deterrent for them, especially for a game from 2004 where you start over upon death. I believe Blizzard should either remove this fee or allow free trial leveling up to 20, similar to other versions.


I agree with the level 20 free trial. But, the rest should stay the same.

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You can play free if you’re willing to put in some time, roll up a retail character, get to max level, do dailies, buy tokens, play free, then play HC.

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Sort of. He was talking about a new player, who needs to put up the initial $15. Can you buy tokens on a trial account? I didn’t think you could use the ah at all?

I don’t think the block is on Retail I think it only impacts Classic, but even so it would take them some time to get to max level and do dailies for a few weeks.

While it is an option, I don’t think people would want to spend the time farming to get to the point where they can do what they actually want to do. I think the suggested trial for classic would get people new invested enough to want to pay for a sub.


I think if I got my friends to play, they would enjoy it and eventually buy a sub. It’s a really big shame that they made classic hardcore require a subscription. It probably doesn’t earn them any substantial number of subscribers; most people aren’t here primarily to play hardcore classic. Honestly, I thought it was kind of weird when they released classic that they required a subscription. They said it was “for the players” and that we deserved it, being charged the same price as retail for an old version that won’t be updated is kind of strange. And let’s be honest, the new player experience on retail isn’t that great.

Classic as a whole should be free.


I honestly agree it would be a great way to introduce players to WoW

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Actually it wouldn’t, Blizzard wouldn’t be interested in expanding the classic player as it’s a lot harder to monetize them and ‘classic’ is not at all the way to attract new players to the kids version, aka. ‘retail’.


Mmmmm no. If they wanna play cough up the dough like the rest of us. Why would you wanna play a 20 year old game anyways. Just break out the old Nokia and play snake for free if that’s what your after.

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I’d rather go out in a blizzard and pick up aluminum cans to turn in. Haha

All classic modes are free with your retail subscription. The $15 monthly fee is not for a game from 2004 where you start over upon death. It is for a game that was released a few months ago with little to no penalty upon death.

If the “a game from 2004 where you start over upon death.” is such a deterrent. Perhaps classic hardcore isn’t the game mode your friend wants to play.

you think retail is the kids version? have you seen what a modern ui looks like lol

This post lol. It’s a video game btw so any version of wow would be considered “the kids version”. However retail brings challenges and a ton of different things to do, regardless of your play style. Classic is a 1 trick pony with 0 challenge. If your trying to get new players to a game you don’t show consumers a 20 year old game that’s boring af. You show them the newest content and expect they’ll stay there.

Well, great news. If your friends decide to play, they don’t have to play HC. They could play one of the versions of the game that allows death, and actually have a good time since they haven’t been playing 20 years.

True, they still have to pay 15 bucks, but they have access to those other things as well
You make it sound like they are paying 15 for one thing.

Yes. It looks like a ripoff of what my kids are playing. PoE and all that jazz.

I agree! I think HC being free-to-play would draw in a lot more players than blizz realizes.

Even a step further: Imagine how many more players would come if HC could earn you a subscription.

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If $15 is a lot of money they should be training for new careers instead of wasting their time on video games.

If it was 100% free, you’d have an increase in griefers, because you can make a throw away account to grief on.

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