"Classic" gives the opportunity for Cataclysm to be a fantastic expansion

i’ve done maybe 4 since they were introduced in retail. big yawn. but i can see someone who is a pvper being happy for them as it is another revenue for ratings arena points for cata?

Rated battlegrounds if they didn’t require a full premade.

thats part of the reason i’ve not done more than 4 of these. and they were in legion to get the artifact skin.

You can just use the LFG tool…

Players have asked for a lot of those things.
I explicitly remember complaints around:

  • Only 1 meta pet for hunters → so they made them more equal in power.
  • warlocks tired of shard farming → so they got rid of that.
  • hunters tired of ammo system → so they got rid of that.
  • constant waste of time on FP for trainers → so they changed that.
  • A lot of “useless” talents points for 1% dodge etc → so they changed that too.

It’s not like they just randomly decided to change that. It was all based off players’ feedback.

I find this argument mind numbing.
Why would I go play DF when I want to play Cata?

It’s like you wanting icecream and I tell you to go eat skittles or drink a can of coke.

Was still a solid filler 1 boss raid. It’s literally like EoE today. Or Gruuls in TBC. Sometimes, I wonder, people just complain for the sake of complaining.

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Ruby sanctum was fine as a raid, it’s certainly no worse than sarth, actually would have been cool if they filled out the rest of portals under wymrest. It was just that it was such obvious filler content while they worked on cata that a lot of people got annoyed with it.

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Assuming that they start us as the last patch in CATA, I don’t think the dungeons will at all be hard as they will be in a nerfed state from their launch difficulty. That just leaves the remainder of issues to be the bugs in each dungeon, like the dragon one in highlands where you fly dragons…unless they bug out, which they will, often.

Also following trends I highly doubt any content changes or is added if it wasn’t there before. We will still have the cluster that was dragonsoul and firelands, we still wont have the cut content, and vashjir will still be awful to level in.

TBC servers were the least common because TBC has notoriously been extremely difficult to script and every private server that came out was a mega bug ridden disaster. To add the cherry on top you has corecraft promising a well coded server for years and years and never delivered while simultaneously dissuading other private server developers from trying (because corecraft was supposedly coming).

Wrath era servers would be a failure. Nobody wants to play a static state mmo where nothing ever changes and runs the same final raid for all time with no progression treadmill. Era would fail for literally any and all iterations of WoW and make no sense as anything but a dumping ground for seasonal server characters.

i’d be content unholy wouldn’t be dog s*** for the entire xpac. they entirely nuked it from orbit with 50 nukes in 4.0.6. literally it was so bad it was parsing a little above the tanks in firelands. they absolutely trashed that spec. there are more explicit words i’d use to describe how bad unholy was for the first two raid tiers.

are you certain about this? i can slide over to a pserver and their dalaran at any time of the day is PACKED with players. i thought Benediction’s Trade and LFG chats flooded the channels too fast. this pserver’s primary chat is almost impossible to follow. and its been that way since panda land. in fact i’d argue its only gotten bigger.

you only need 2 brain cells to understand this: Cata launch = unsub for a LOT of players.

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you are probably not wrong. but i do think the wow team might want try and milk that panda love from the player base. because while i don’t think its as hot as all the panda lovers think it is. it does have a cult following.

Keep in mind, there are layers.
There are currently like what, 2-3 popular servers? Combined probably makes up 30k players. That’s just like Benediction server only, but scattered across many realms and servers.

There is certainly some interest in Wrath. But same was said for Classic Era servers. They were dead. Then some said Vanilla with changes will be big! That also died rather quickly.

And some will say that Cata will be dead, but then we will still have 4-6 full servers per region easily.

Even 1 full server, as a player, it will feel no different as it does today - as it’s server based. PvP might be affected a bit though.

Keep in mind, i’m aware of our layers and on benediction its down to 2. and even when comparing their maybe 10k on the server vs benedictions what 30k. the pserver’s pop in dal is 100% larger. so even if they are load balancing both layers at 15k dalaran doesn’t feel as busy as these private servers. even at its peak dalaran feels barren by comparison. and if anyone says thats anecdotal evidence i wouldn’t disagree.

Sure, release it, but it will likely kill the all of Classic if you remove Wrath Classic servers.

Don’t take it away from others.

True, but what if WotLK Era was offered in conjunction with Cata Classic?

Personally, I am not suffering through another round of Wrath. Ulduar better be crack.

That was a feature, not an issue. The biggest mistake they could make, is catering to wrath babies that won’t play cata regardless of what they do. Because they have PTSD from dungeons they couldn’t zerg rush in greens.

What they will do if they are smart about it leave the wrath babies a home and make room for the cata and mop babies to roam :slight_smile:

A giant dragon breaks out from the core of azeroth and the only thing that should happen is a destroyed statue in stormwind?


Just have chromie in sw and org and give the option of the old zones or new ones. I had no issue with the shattering it opened new quests especially in southern barrens.