"Classic" gives the opportunity for Cataclysm to be a fantastic expansion

6 rehashed boss models? an over tuned second to last boss fight on heroic?

There is a 0% chance cata classic comes out

i’m almost certain it does. because they can milk that time to find ways to degrade the experience of mist of pandaria for those sycophants that love that expansion.

They’ve already stated that it’s a possibility at the very least, which means you’re very incorrect. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a 0% chance cata classic would be successful.

Depends on your definition of “successful”, but I also think you’re terribly wrong to think that.

Cataclysm was generally successful the first time around, so why wouldn’t it be today, especially if they improve the game by removing Activision cancer from it?

Cata is better than Wrath, but at this point might as well play Dragonflight it’s shaping up to be one of WoWs best expansions

This again - 3rd time we have people nobbing over the next expansion, soon we will have forums flooded with people regaling us how Cata was their fave xpac and this is a cata waiting room

Happened before TBC classic
Happened before Wotlk classic

Soon after it drops forums will be flooded with how bad it is and blah blah blah…

Just stop pls


Naw bruh this is cata waiting room now


What an ignorant opinion given that Blizzard sent out a survey on Cata Classic.


Blizzard had set a fairly high standard for raids up until Cata and DS in particular. So I don’t think it’s unfair to say it just wasn’t up to the standards people were reasonably expecting from the last raid of the expansion.

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If Bliz had a big brain, they would have made a copy of our TBC characters and once WotLK has been finished, they can offer up a continuation of TBC.

Having TBC Era supported in conjunction with WotLK launch would have made TBC Era DoA.

Failing that, perhaps they do a TBC SoM and then allow the players to stick around as a TBC Era server.

Cata nuked all the classes in this admittedly kindergarten MMORPG, severing talents and skills down to preschool level. They’d better keep plenty of Wrath servers up if Blizz releases Cata Classic, because plenty of players will quit again otherwise, over the class pruning.


That would work if they made a no changes TBC SoM but given how badly vanilla SoM tanked how poorly they’re handling changes in wrath I don’t see a TBC SoM working otherwise.

This is a good point. The first time around, people might have given the benefit of the doubt. We know what Cata is like without playing it now, realistically how many people are willing to plunge into that expansion now?

And then there’s it being retail lite, which defeats a lot of the purpose of playing it when you can just play retail. Who’s going to be crazy about transmog when they have retail to do that in and already have a lot of progression there and it’s arguably a more secure than Classic?

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The last raid prior to Cata was the Ruby Sanctum. :wink:

Again yes, cata was good, but I wouldn’t want it to replace era. And if it does my dk will turn into a level 80 twink. I mean tbc era would need something extra to be viable, but wrath era has or will have everything it needs.

naw they next waiting room is mist. which is fine. they can wait. but anyone who said cata was their favorite expansion i feel like are lying to themselves. it had one good raid. which if thats all you played in that xpac fair enough but in no way does firelands redeem that xpac.

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We’ll get almost zero information about how the conversation unfolds among the devs. And really that’s the only conversation that matters. After they have that conversation they’ll hand us their decision with at best some small bits of propaganda to “explain” it.

Rated Battlegrounds was the big sell for me.