Classic Forum Suggestion

Only allow those with a L40+character leveled up on a classic server would have posting privilege. I originally thought 60, but 40 in vanilla terms is likely enough of an committed effort gate.


well they gate content, may as well gate forum access too.

They will gate forum access to paying subs once classic is released. Do you have an objection to gating by classic commitment or is this another “elitism, segregation, exclusion” situation? I would be just as fine with a level gate to modern wow forum. There is already a 10 level gate to post, this would be a logical mechanic based on the same reasoning.

Would save a lot of need for moderation.

I don’t think we should limit posters to 40 and above. Many new or returning players may come here for advice and guidance, which is one of the main uses for the forums.
Now on the subject of 10 level gate tp post presently, I definitely don’t see that being respected. There are frequent below level 10 Shaders who still post on the forums.


Lol no it would not be a ‘logical’ mechanic, this is just a thinly velied attempt to try and keep out your hated ‘retail’ players, as , once again, your suggestion only is meant to target them as you think that all trolling comes from current players.


I even stated that a like mechanic could be used for modern wow’s section.

Your white knighting and representation of troll rights is awfully admirable. As is your spamming of these forums to retain your ludicrous post count.

You have no other argument against such ideas beyond a false accusal that I “hate retail players”, and a disturbing trend of acting to thwart attempts to control actual trolling. Nowhere did I state a belief that all trolling comes from modern wow players. It’s wearing thin.

The spirit of the current level gating would be the same as my ideas level gating. those seeking “advice” would have access to server forums, guild recruitment forums and class forums, not to mention the rest of the internet.

lol, out come the labels. and wild accusations, sorry I exposed your weak attempt at trying to make a special space for you on the forums. No I am not ‘white knighting’ trolls, because to you anyone who disagrees with you is one, and sorry this is not your personal echo chamber. Also why does someone’s post count bother you so much?

Your idea will do nothing of what you claim it would, as you solely think that here,which is where we are talking about, that ALL trolling is being done by current players, and seemingly all the moderation being done is being done to them.

WEll because you DO hate ‘retail’ players, irrationally so, you think they are just frothing at the mouth waiting to ruin Classic for you, are just waiting to ‘troll’ there due to the WoW sub giving access to both titles, of course ignoring the fact that the opposite is also true, and no one who hate the other title so much is going to waste HS space or time, just to ‘troll’, and also the fact that trolling existed back then as well.

None of your ‘attempts’ are really meant to thwart trolling, they are very clearly meant to keep out your hated ‘retail’ players , as every single one is directed at them.

LOL ok, you wanting a separate sub to begin, now an additional cost aimed at making a barrier because you fear current players ruining classic and ignoring the much larger former player group as any kind of contribution to your feared server ‘glut’ and exodus, which again , happened back then, with both a box and sub.

If it really is wearing thin, then actually try to put forth a suggestion that is not clearly targeting one demographic.

The way they have it set up now is more than sufficient, there is no magic solution to stopping trolling, your solution also hurts the vast number of people who do not troll.


I don’t know; I agree with him and I don’t think your idea is a very good one at all. And by the way, his post count isn’t anywhere near ludicrous. Before these new forums reset my post count, it was around 33,000; and there were several people around with counts between 50,000 and 100,000.

Personally, I don’t think that’s good enough. It’s not a given that the server forums will be used. Guild recruitment forums aren’t a place to ask for advice. Class forums are for modern WoW and people asking for Classic advice will be chased out. And yes, there’s the rest of the internet but it seems a bit nasty if the main Classic forum is made so unwelcoming as you propose.

Especially since leveling a character to a high level-- even to 60 and clearing raids/ranking PvP-- doesn’t ensure that a player wouldn’t come here a be a big ol’ freakin’ troll anyway.


he wrote having just accused someone of hate for an entire playerbase

Nowhere was it stated that the belief was that all trolling was by current players. Try again.

My hate is for trolls and chaff posted by those with no interest in a project beyond trolling it.

None of my ideas are meant to be silver bullets to stop all trolling. However if an obvious place to gate is identified, then that gate would be effective for what it targets.

OK and?

Your false equivalence is always good for a laugh.

My solution does NOTHING to harm those who play classic. It would merely gate those who cannot commit to 40 levels of play, with the rest of the forum available to them.

He is known for attempting to shoot down any and all suggestions that aim to battle trolling. It is crystal clear he is just here to be argumentative and conflate opinions into “hate” as he does on a regular basis. He is a blatant advocate for troll rights.

It is ludicrous BECAUSE of the reset being less than a couple weeks old.

Personally I think the good would far outweigh the bad.

Difference being mine is actually accurate,lol.

Lol ok, you don’t want to restrict retail players from posting here, just like none of your other suggestions targeted them, sure. Here Ill change ‘all’ to ‘most’

Which you clearly have always felt was retail players.

No they are thinly velied attempts at restricting retail players, and they way they have it set up is working just fine.

if you are going to cherry pick at least get the whole post

and ignoring the much larger former player group as any kind of contribution to your feared server ‘glut’ and exodus, which again , happened back then, with both a box and sub.

the only ‘false’ here is your weak assumptions,lol, both of those are 2 facts you ignore solely due to your irrational fear and hatred of current WoW/

Sure, keep telling yourself that, like I said, another weak , thinly veiled attempt at keeping your hated ‘retail’ players from ruining Classic. Your solution for the forums is not needed.

Lol no, this isn’t an attempt to ‘battle’ trolling, it is a weak attempt to create your own special space and keep out ‘retailers’, it is clear to everyone that you do hate retail.

Do you see me arguing to overturn forum bans or say that they are unjust? Lol no, hardly an advocate for troll rights.

Why does anyones post count bother you so much? You do know that some posts from before the switch carried over as well?

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I was hoping this thread would be advocating an oldschool style forum for Classic. These new forums are the worst.


Level 10+ on classic server to post is a really good idea


I am all for going back to the old “forum” format. Meaning the one from back in the early 2000s. This new format is indeed garbage.

I’d be happy to split the difference and make it L20, as long as it is 20 levels on a classic server.

lol I can almost guarantee you are not getting your ‘retail’ free forums or servers.

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I can almost guarantee that you will reply to as many posts as you can regardless of anything helpful, informative or insightful to add.

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Lol ok, at least I don’t let my bias cloud my suggestions. Why does my post count bother you so much?

If you didn’t start this garbage thread he wouldn’t be able to reply and destroy all of your arguments.

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He has done nothing but advocate for and enable trolling.

How have I advocated for trolling? If you are going to make up lies, let’s hear them!

What they should do is remove the excessive forum avatars some enjoy using to derail discussion and influence it.
That would discourage some trolling as well.