I am one of those “Old dudes” who sat in the queues on the first day of wow release…
I got through vanilla quite easily without a guild, or community, etc.
The experience of adventure and losing myself in experiences was because wow was shiny and new…not because it was vanilla…that wont happen this time round
So let me get this straight… you played an MMO solo and therefor missed out on 50% of what the online experience should have been. Didn’t make friends, didn’t join a guild and didn’t notice a community around him… Good Job Dude. You missed out of the most important part of an MMO. I wont even ask if you ventured in MC/BWL+ because you did say you didn’t join a guild. There was no pugging MC/BWL back then.
Just because someone didn’t enjoy the game for the same reasons as you doesn’t mean you need to berate them over it lol. You played for the community and online friendships. Great. Not everyone did though.
Its almost as if you expect people to have throngs of friends that they can call apon for their gaming needs…
here is a news flash PEOPLE ALSO PLAY THIS GAME SOLO…imagine that?
No i did not do MC/BWL but i was extremely active in battlegrounds and got pretty high ranked as far as i remember…
I knew all the pvp players on the alliance side because we always fought each other…at the end of the day it got pretty lame…because you got the MC/BWL fcking warrior in every battleground that just stomped everything…
Uh, this is my main dumbass. I’m a toxic classic player? show me where I have posted toxic things. Did I come off as a jerk with my response? I didn’t mean it… but don’t come down on the OP thread because he wants to relive his classic experience especially when he played the game solo and had no idea where op where coming from.
Older player here. I played Vanilla and BC under a different account.
Look, what you’re saying about what was good about Vanilla is true. It was fun. There was that sense of community and accountability.
But the world isn’t like that anymore. Most people have no idea what community and accountability even mean anymore. Most people have little interest in the kind of patience and forbearance it often took in classic to do just about anything.
Some people who never experienced it think they want this. They don’t, and they will lose patience with it very quickly.
You and I, on the other hand, are wanting something that used to be great but which largely no longer exists and will not exist again.
As I said in a previous post in this thread, I used to think in a similar fashion as a lot of these folks in here do, saying “it won’t be the same” and “rose tinted glasses” (you can search my posts on forums and see).
However, after playing Beta, I will tell you the game actually feels so much better than BfA. Granted, this is from a leveling perspective but every single level, quest, item etc feels meaningful.
As a warrior, I picked up my class quest and got my umbral sword and even though I’m speccing into arms I can still use a sword and board and do ok. In classic, the core of your class is the same, the specs enhance certain aspects of said core when specced into, this gave classes a ton of depth in comparison to live where each spec feels like a miniature class with very little depth even with pvp talents.
I’ve already grouped and been more social at level 12 on beta than I have at 120 on any of my toons outside of my already known friends and guild, in retail there’s zero sense of community Blizzard has completely destroyed server identity/guilds in general due to design like CRZ, and LFG. Your reputation is also important as you can’t server transfer and what not if you’re blacklisted by people, you’re pretty screwed so being kind to others and the golden rule of “Treat others as you want to be treated” is pretty relevant on Classic. This is gone on retail due to people thinking “well, i’ll never see _______ again they’re not on my server so why should I care if I do them dirty?”
Sure, there are some class design flaws, but the classes actually FEEL different, they don’t all play the same or feel the same like live WoW. For example, warrior counters rogue, mage counters warrior, warlock counters mage, rogue counters warlock in classic, that literally doesn’t exist in retail, it’s just RMPALA >>>>> everything else and that’s due to bad class design.