The more i think about it, the more i think removal of rank decay would be a good thing for era pvp
Making rank 14 a long grind that you consistently chip away at like a reputation farm would drive pvp participation up a lot.
People will argue and complain that it takes away the “prestige” and hard work of ranking in classic wow, but lets be real here, the real ones know who the other real ones are.
Theres more empty server rank 14s with less than 20k hks than “legit” ones these days. Nobody actually cares. And a lot of the “legit” rank 14s are terrible at pvp anyway, they just have nothing better to do than farm bgs 16 hours a day. Most classes pvp and pve bis is naxx/aq gear. Rank 14 gear just lets you “hang” in pvp now days.
People will actually grind for pvp gear if decay was removed which would fill up the queues and i would argue it would probably also cut down on RMT because grinding pvp gear would be a viable alternative to gearing alts rather than buying gear in gdkps.
If a semi casual 3-5 month grind of bgs was a viable way to get rank 14 gear i think a lot more people would actively pvp. Which is a good thing for everyone.
Theres a lot of classes i would love to pvp with on classic, but i cant be bothered to level them up because i know i dont have the time nor desire to actually grind r14 gear for them while stuck in leveling blues for 4 months post 60 and/or spend 10s of thousands of gold to get adequate gear from gdkps, especially on a warrior/rogue/mage where ill be bidding against half the raid.
Ive never bought gold and i dont plan on ever doing it, so grinding the gold to afford such a thing would require about the same time investment as a r14 grind for me anyway.
Era is already filled with rank 14s of questionable merit. I say remove decay. Let people have their “welfare” epics. I respect a player as part of the pvp community that pvps a few hours regularly every week for months straight because they genuinely like pvp more than the guy that poopsocks for 3 months and never touches bgs again after that. Let the pvp enjoyers with limited time get some gear for keeping the queues alive in this post phase 6 landscape of era servers
Not much of a ranker in classic but I agree. There is a valid reason to have decay in the early phases (so the whole playerbase doesn’t have full epics in 2 months), but on era who even cares? You already have access to BWL, AQ40, and Naxx gear which is accessible with gold.
This character was a SoM transfer that hit rank 6 or 7 for the first 2 blue pieces (I was nonstop spamming AV for a couple weeks), and I have about 2.5k honorable kills on it. I inspected a current HWL in Orgrimmar on Whitemane(era), who only had 7k honorable kills.
This is unfortunately the truth. It also invalidates raiding. SOM was the catalyst to that. Nowadays most folks would rather just fall asleep at the keyboard in AV for 16 hours a day because they want the gear.
Honestly there really isnt a solution, but I think for the health of the game, the old system was actually better.
Raiding will always be relevant because it is potentially much faster way to gear, most pvp and pve bis gear comes from raiding, and not all important gear slots can be filled with ranking gear. Plus many pvp sets aren’t even useful for certain roles like healing
The old ranking system was NEVER good for the health of the game nor any players that took part in it, it is the definitive example of degenerate gameplay.
Era servers are forever in a state of post naxx content. Being able to grind a rank 14 set over the course of ~5 months isn’t going to invalidate anything that hasn’t already been invalidated on era
Driving up the pvp incentives and participation by opening up an actual accessible but slow grind towards rank 14 gear would do far more for the longterm health of the servers than keeping a system in place that completely gatekeeps any person with a job/life just to preserve the “prestige” of some neckbeards, most of which cheated/cheesed to get in the first place
Don’t change anything in classic please. Not even how much time I spend drinking on my mage. And all the running. Just leave it as is please, we already have a version of WoW which is the results of “lets change xyz”. I’m back to classic and while it was a hassle to run and drink, once you get into it the game is fantastic, it’s magic.
If people run out of things to do, maybe that’s their problem not WoW classic’s problem. Go see the sun or log on retail or Wrath. If they don’t have the time to reach a rank, that’s also their problem.
SOOOOOOOOOO many of us who do not enjoy raiding want weapons to compete in world pvp but we cannot obtain ANY weapons in classic due to no pvp weapons.
Anyone on Classic Era can get easy epics. Pvp for a few weeks, run a few ZG and AQ20… once you make a concerted effort you can get into end game with how the pop is grown. Others having the same gear you do does not de-value yours lmao. That’s just some elitist BS. = )
Sooooo wrong
As soon as this pvp change happens pvp is going to pop off on era
Also, I didn’t play som, but every pvp enjoyer ive talked to that did said the pvp/bg scene was more alive than ever for SOM because of the increased incentive
Its almost like making the honor grind more accessible to people that dont/cant poopsock actually makes more people participate, wild.
Hundreds of players casually queueing for bgs for a few hours every week makes for a more healthy pvp scene/community than just haveing a few dozen of the same people queing into each other over and over 24/7 until they finish ranking and never play bgs again because of burnout unless they do it again on an alt