Classic Era PvP Rank Reset Coming with Patch 1.14.4

I’d assume this means they’re fixing the bugs with the honor system so you won’t have to wait to log in on Tuesday.

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Absolutely not true in Classic Era, at least not when I hit rank 13. I took the number one spot my last week of ranking and I hit my honor cap before Sunday.

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What cluster

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I very much welcome whatever change it is, I hope it’s the introduction of some form of currency based system but time will tell, thanks Aggrend!


Why do any posts about anything in a blue font turn into people wanting to share an essay on why they -personally- don’t play the game anymore? If you don’t play or it’s not a feature you care about, then you can read about something else. There are options.


Jesus christ.

I thought it was supposed to be a snapshot in time???

First you give us 1.12 talents and abilities which didnt represent vanilla at all, especially for classes like shaman with enhance.

Then you merf some of the oddball things in classic like lock pet griefing in town.

Then you gave us retail AV

Now you’re changing the honor system?!?

Just rename it retail classic FFS, because all you’re doing is changing the dynamic, and removing the magic that was vanilla. Let me guess, next patch after this one we’ll get gear tokens to trade in for naxx loot because not everyone can commit to raiding.

I’ll be the first to say the vanilla pvp system sucks, but it was vanilla, and that gear doesnt need to he handed out like candy, but classic is classic :rage:


#NoChanges died before the 2019 release


I do hope they make it a bit more casual friendly. I would stay sub’d indefinitely, casually ranking alts if it was. I don’t like the other versions of the game.

I enjoyed the raiding of 2019 classic, but I can’t get into it anymore. I like to solo play most of the time and BG weekends, because it’s flexible; but it starts to feel pointless at the higher ranks because you don’t get rewarded unless you’re putting in ridiculous amounts of time.


The mafia is angry with the idea of rank being unnecesary. Just do it blizzard This would bring much more participation to the pvp.


“The mafia”?

you played classic and SOM lazarak… you know what he means by the mafia…

It’s always funny to call it a mafia when it’s just the literal community doing it and is ever changing

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They are definetly changing the way ranking works

Mafia, organized crime, terrorists are communities too.

It’s toxic and far from being a reason to grind, the system is a reason for not doing it.

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You don’t have to follow the brackets if you don’t want to. You’re never forced to do anything

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My prediction for the pvp changes:

A mixture of the vanilla weekly brackets and arena point system

There will still be weekly brackets but there will be no rank decay, instead you will earn rank points depending on your bracket placement, getting rank 14 will likely still take the same amount of time to grind timeline wise but you can take breaks without your progress essentially being reset


Please Aggrend, and other involved developers, keep in the PvP titles. I understand they will be reset. But a classic without the Grand Marshals leading the Alliance and the High Warlords reigning the Horde feels at a loss.

No decay would be pretty cool but that would cause people to forever remain rank 14. Perhaps decay once you purchase armor or something. Maybe they can also add a blue weapon. On top of that get rid of that sand crap. I prefer the bloodbath at brm !!

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Please do NOT give everyone free epics lmao…


Yah an honor currency system would be trash in vanilla, especially cuz those items are good in pve as well. Hopefully this is just a tweak to decay