Classic Era Priority Issue #1 - Clone Fee

The Clone Fee forced players to choose TBC or Era, fragmenting instead of promoting multiple sub-genres of WoW.

Remove it.


That word doesn’t mean what you think it means.

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I wouldn’t play Classic Era even if I didn’t have to pay and I think that’s the same for most people playing TBC.

Yeah, sadly, I think the time has long passed to where eliminating the clone fee would make any difference.


Sadly removing it would be another “too little too late” solution.

Eh? The clone option gave the players to do both with the “same” toon.

They should have made people choose between one or the other instead of both.

Another post also asked for this. I agree with some in this thread saying it’s too little too late and that most players that play TBCC wouldn’t play Era anyways, although a few might.

Having said this I think they should still drop the cost for it. Better late than never. If it brings even a few more players to Classic Era then it’s good.


I would like the fee removed as well, because I am having a ton of fun raiding and pvping in Classic Era.

If I were to guess, I would say that the fee was put there intentionally to discourage people from playing Era because Blizzard can’t sell boosts and can only get the sub money in Era. So, put the shiny “new” thing in front of the player (TBC Classic), player chooses shiny new thing, and discourage player from going back to the less profitable version via what is essentially a $15 penalty.

I think anyone’s opinion on whether it is “too late” or not is irrelevant. You can’t know how many people would or would not play. Stick to the topic of removing it. It can only help.


then why are you playing it?

I’m talking about Classic Era not TBC.
I’m not playing Classic Era, I am playing TBC.

Uhh… yeah.

Moving on.

Classic Era had a reliable and steady trickle of players that were

  • still playing tbc too
  • quit tbc entirely

in Classic Era until SoM.

In August I rebuilt a guild I was given lead of from 12 active raiders to 40+ in a couple of months from this steady and reliable trickle - yes weespell, even as the only guild on an entire cluster.

Amazin’ I know! It must be fake news!

Dang it’s not. Oh well!

Then Classic Era was decimated with SoM’s release.
Just recently they started trickling in again.
We’re getting people unhappy with SoM or TBC.

Soooo what are these people most often bringing up after their initial displeasure with the other versions of WoW?

Glad you didn’t ask, pintpyro!


That’s right mini-vending machine, it’s a popular topic that you don’t care about!

I guess that’s why I brought it up. Either that or I’m insane. Definitely the latter.


Why do you have this pent up anger, talking down to me as if I didn’t understand your original post. I understood it fully and I stand by what I said.

Keep it or remove it I don’t care.

I do agree that this is a barrier of entry that really does not need to exist, at this point. With the amount of servers that have completely died on TBC and the state of the game/blizzard overall; Its entirely possible that someone may want to pop into their old classic-era realm and see how things look. I did. I was pleasantly surprised with the community there. For others, the cloning fee may be just enough to keep them from taking that first step. (it kept me from checking things out for several months. ).
As it was mentioned before… Most people have supporting characters or bank alts and these fees add up… Many people had no interest in staying with classic-era, a year ago, but with the current state of TBC on MANY servers… Well… here they are. Seeing what classic-era has to offer.