Classic Era - New settings UI can't access all action bar bindings unless they're enabled

Not sure if this happens in retail or not, but in Classic Era as of the new UI you can no longer see the interface to set keybinds for action bars unless they’re enabled.


  1. Options → Action Bars
  2. Enable Action Bar 2 through Action Bar 5.
  3. Options → Keybindings
    Observe that the following dropdowns are visible Action Bar, Action Bar 2, …, Action Bar 5
  4. Options → Action Bars
  5. Disable Action Bar 2 through Action Bar 5.
  6. Options → Keybindings
    Observe that the only dropdown visible is Action Bar.
  7. In the search field, type “action”
  8. Scroll down through the listing.
    Observe that the keybindings for the disabled action bars are available in the search results.


The old UI didn’t require you to have an action bar enabled in order to set keybindings for it. The new UI should not either :slight_smile:


To get the bindings to show up correctly I had to check the boxes next to “Remove Action Bar ‘#’ Action Page” for each bar. This was with ElvUI.

Same as you, i could use the search bar to find the bindings but they would not show up at all normally.

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Thanks for the update!

This was reproducible without ElvUI. I suspect the option you’re referencing does the same thing as noted above. Since you’ve brought attention to it though, this bug is still present 3 months after my post :slight_smile:

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