Classic Era has been completely bungled

It is extremely disappointing how Blizzard has completely mismanaged Classic Era with respect to population. Let me itemize the major screw-ups.

Cloning Fee

I was excited when Blizzard announced that you will have the opportunity to play both TBC and Classic with a soon to be announced service fee. Most players thought that this should be free but consensus was that a $5 fee/character would be reasonable.

Blizzard then announced an outlandish $35 fee/character that was universally mocked and players largely wrote off playing Classic Era.

Later, Blizzard relented and reduced the fee to $15 (still excessive) near TBC launch but the damage was done. The Classic Era population would be significantly limited by this financial hurdle.

Connections (and the lack thereof)

Most players wanted fresh content (TBC) and the Cloning Fee guaranteed that individual Classic Era servers would not have a sustainable population. Blizzard wisely decided to add connections but it was a bungled effort.

Some servers were not connected at all. For example, Deviate Delight was a low pop server at the end of Classic so it was quite obvious that Classic Era Deviate Delight would have negligible players. I left a character behind on Deviate Delight and can verify that no other players are active on the server.

When this was raised a few times n the forum, Blizzard simply ignored it.

Free Character Moves

After months of complaining about a situation that should have been resolved near TBC launch, Blizzard finally decided to address these dead servers by granting Free Character Moves (“FCM”). Seems like a good idea… but it’s Blizzard. Let’s see how they screwed this up.

All the PvP dead servers were offered a FCM to Whitemane server. Whitemane is already part of a connected cluster. For those who have Horde and Alliance characters on these dead PvP servers, you now have to choose which faction would be completely abandoned on your dead (can’t have both Alliance and Horde characters on the same PvP server).

What could have Blizzard done? Simply connect the dead realms to the Whitemane cluster. We can then play both our Alliance AND Horde characters AND maintained our character names.

As a less satisfactory option, they could have allowed a FCM to any realm within the Whitemane cluster. We can then move our Horde characters to one realm on the Whitemane cluster and Alliance characters to another realm on the Whitemane cluster (and we can pick the server where we can recover more of our character names).

I really don’t like complaining on Blizzard forums. It just adds to the negativity but when something has been this grossly mismanaged, I just need to vent a bit and hope they don’t royally screw things up for TBC Classic Era.

Those that agree, please let Holly Longdale (lead producer of Classic) know here:

Frankly, I think that’s a better way to get a message heard than this ignored forum.


who cares, just unsub until season of mastery comes out.

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I obviously care and I am not interested in speed rushing through Classic with their seasonal offering. I would like to continue Classic Era with the characters I already invested in.


all we’re getting is bonus exp for quest turn ins. it’s really not a big deal.
i think you need to accept that “classic era” is dead and move on
season of mastery will be a lot of fun


These are all valid points mentioned by OP - no need to be toxic especially if you have no clue what happened to era and comminity since TBC


Cool. Enjoy fresh classic. I am not interested in it.


I’m sure they are valid, but it’s like trying to revive a corpse that’s been dead for days. it’s not happening.

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If you connect enough servers together, then it’s not actually dead anymore.


There are folks that will always be dedicated to era and play it no matter what


Be sure to also buy D2 remake while you wait! Also buy overwatch 2! And loot boxes!

it is very rare that I recommend a blizzard game. season of mastery actually has me excited for once.

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Dont necessarily agree with everything in the OP but I also feel like Classic Era and its fans were kind of left in the dust.

Cloning never should have been a thing - it was the idea of cloning not its price tag.

I have zero interest in mastery/fresh servers. Either I have a server to go to and some people to play my toons with or I dont and quit. Im really not bothered either way.

It really wasnt fair what happened they should merge the servers for those people.

I am excited for you to experience a good portion of kay why as.

Pretty sure no one cares what game you recommend. I certainly don’t care. All I know is that people want to play classic era over some garbage you call PhReSh.

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Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. I’m not doing season of mastery.

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Indeed, it would have make more sense to offer to transfer on any server of the cluster, but it’s a minor setback. I’m kind of proud I anticipated that and rerolled my ally on a pve server

Personally $35 or $15 is not much money for the service but I morally can’t abide with the practice. I’m not going to pay for that type of service even if it’s $5. I decided to reroll instead, had a lot of fun, and now I’m very happy that I can finally free transfer my 15 characters from Deviate Delight.

And yeah Deviate Delight was dead, like really dead. I always find it funny when people like Arielba are claiming a server or a game is dead. Mon if you can raid, it’s not dead. Come to DD to see what is really dead.

Another prophet for whom everything he dislikes is dead

If you like to restart everything you accomplished before and not benefit from your past activity, good for you and leave us alone.