Classic Era has become Retail



You good Sir/Madam need to go outside. Walk around, get some sun and exercise. I have serious concerns about your mental and physical well being after this rant. Spend this all fired up mentality and keyboard power to taking on some real world problems. This is the internet, you PAY $17 bucks a month to play a GAME. One would think from your post that you are just an internet warrior, one of the banes of our world today.

Sorry not sorry.

Man, I those are some serious accusations. Nothing will come of it because there are too many hands in the cookie jar. Priceless stuff though.

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WoW retail design is out of touch with an average player. All of the best rewards are gate kept behind insanely hard/time consuming content. When that happens you are unable to just play with your friends and have a good community hanging out and doing all the game has to offer. You need to start worrying about performance and segmenting the player base.

The magic in Classic WoW is all content can be done with relative ease as long as you are paying attention, so you can pretty much play with anyone. You just need to decide if you enjoy spending your time with them and you still get the best rewards the game has to offer.

To me the above is the number one reason Retail doesn’t feel good to play.

On top of this you have Daily/Weekly chores to do in order to keep your character up to date. Rep grinds to be able to travel efficiently through the world… BORING.

On the plus side for Retail everything feels smooth and using your character just feels good. I miss arenas and cant play them in Classic which is a bummer. That is pretty much where it ends for me though.

I used to like going to old dungeons to farm transmog and see content I may have missed from when I took breaks, but with something on their scaling they made it harder and less enjoyable. WHY?!

Basically all the video said was Kargoz is selfish… He is a streamer they are all grifters. Literally their job is to play a video game and be entertaining enough to get you to GIVE THEM MONEY FOR NOTHING. Rested XP is just an addon that lets you pay less attention while leveling and be efficient. Use it or don’t.

This just in: Streamer is selfish and trying to make money.

Where did I mention Nagrand also I did play original vanilla. At age 10 I loved it
It’s no longer what it was and that’s due to the players.

Oh boy I dont drink but I feel like I’m going to need to start before responding. Yolo lets do this.

-i thought vanilla did that no? The best rewards from old 40 naxx requiring attunements and consumables and such? Or do you mean cosmetics like the winterspring tiger?
–Meanwhile many cosmetic rewards in Dragonflight that are quite nice you get from doing very simple, easy, casual rep grinds that you can do in multiple ways and not just farming the same furbolgs with heavy competition for days on end.

-Sounds like you need to find friends that don’t do that then. You can always do m+ with friends, and if their skill level is at a +15 and yours a +5, they can go on an alt since DF is super alt friendly. Are you telling me that you get enjoyment from a level 53 friend doing stockades with you? If yes, how is that any different from said friend doing a normal raid with you even if they’re heroic geared?

-Soooooo you’re upset that the game has… Variable difficulties? That they make challenging rewards for players wanting to be challenged but also nice rewards for casual players? Retail is giving you your cake and telling you that you can eat it too and you’re upset that someone else was able to get a slightly nicer cake? What?

-MMOs are all about chores but I don’t think you realize how little most matter. I know many people who do heavy mythic content and barely have any reputation investment. Dragonflight is nice like that. You might be referring to Shadowlands (since the travel thingy for rep which was some of it yes), and to that I’ll just respond that 9.1 (most of Shadowlands) was one of the worst patches the game has ever had. It was awful. And yes weekly chores like choreghast sucked. They haven’t repeated those mistakes in Dragonflight and they specifically said they’re actively avoiding doing so.

-what do you mean nothing is wrong with the scaling. BFA isn’t soloable on mythic yet I guess (I think that’ll take a bit for them to code due to technical reasons) but that’s about it. Legion was oofed for a bit but they fixed that.

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Stop watching alexsensual videos. The guy made that 40m video claiming he “exposed” an addon selling scam.

It was never a scam and was advertised exactly as you see it. It’s a free lv 20 guide and u buy the rest, just as it says. Alex is just daydreaming he can stir enough drama to make everyone leave blizz and go to private servers.

Yeah, I’m not so much in up and arms about it, as other people. I think some (not all) probably didn’t read the ToS, either until this lovely YTer pointed it out and NOW everybody wants to be all mad about it.

I’m more upset about the gold buying, that one of the faces for RXP, has admitted to and even advertised it, themself with a code and everything. Blizzard should probably do something about that. I’m more concerned about that, than the selling of guides.

And, I’m upset with other forumers not focusing on that and instead what to focus on “paying for guides being against ToS”, when I think the gold buying should take the priority, here, but I digress.


Who are you responding to? I see you did a reply on my post, but this is an acid trip with a straw man that has nothing to do with what I was addressing. Also the tone of your writing is very aggressive. Maybe take a step back. The systems in the game completely follow my line of reasoning. Stop fighting ghosts.

yeehaw classic wow

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that’s facts

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Chronoboon was for those who raid log due to wbuff timers. No one ever claimed that was the sole reason for raid logging; however, plenty complained it was a major contributing factor. Chronoboon resolved the issue it was designed to solve. Mistakenly placing blame on it for not solving other issues outside its scope is your own problem.

I think his point was it had a theoretical purpose via coercion with no actual means of enforcing the desired behavior so a large percentage of people used it to assist them in raid logging.

In other words, it had cons to go with those pros. You give up something to get something and the balance sheet doesn’t always work in its favor.

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Or if you are one of the players that has a problem with it:

  • Install an addon (BadBoy) and block all messages with “boost” “farm” “mobs” keywords
  • Level normally to 60
  • Don’t join GDKP raids
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That doesnt fix the problem in any way, it only masks it for myself. Its a terrible solution.

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It was about the leveling experience. Your fun unfortunately is proportional to the gear other people have. When everyone is sweaty, it forces them to do whatever they are able to in order to compete.

Strange that certain private servers are reaching record breaking, through the roof numbers right now.

But hey atleast Blizzard just murdered another essential part of Classic, its PvP system. But guess what, the insanos who defend the Chronoboon also defend this, because it benefits them personally. No matter that it severely damages the game world.

One step closer to WoW Token on Era.

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Quite the opposite!