To whom it may concern,
Currently, in-game audio from emotes is extremely limited in that they override each other and occasionally do not function at all. This is uncharacteristic for Classic since in vanilla, you could hear multiple characters laugh or do various audio emotes from a sizeable distance away.
On this video capture from 2005, you can hear both a distant dwarf and night elf laugh from the 12 second to 15 second marks where the audio is played relatively simultaneously and is accordingly adjusted based on character distance.
Currently on Classic Era, if any character creates an emote sound, whether it be a /lol, /cry, /silly, /sigh, etc., then only the first audio clip plays and all others are muted. Additionally, sometimes a player could perform an emote with an audio clip (eg /silly) and other players would not hear it at all. Admittedly, I have not done extensive testing on this matter and it could be an issue with the audio distance filtering going overboard, but it seems unlikely. If there are any specific tests you would like me to run and record, let me know.
Please revert the emote audio functions as they were in vanilla. They functioned as social tools that were key to the spirit of Vanilla WoW. I sincerely need to have a conga line of lads spamming /train around capital cities again.
As far as I am aware, this may have been a bug since the launch of Classic WoW.
Thank you,