Classic Era Consolidation Communication Petition

To whom it may concern,

The current state of Classic Era consists of a playerbase that is fragmented, yet determined. Collectively, many players all around the world have communicated via Discord, forums, social media, and even personal means in order to coordinate players even before the TBC pre-patch. Despite numerous attempts to recruit and reach out, the number of players online on any server range from ~3 - ~70 per faction. This includes ~3 players in the wee hours on an RP server to ~70 players during peak hours on a merged cluster. As it stands, most Classic Era players remain steadfast and have not unsubbed. It has already been over a month and it seems clear that the Classic Era playerbase has solidified. Still, we are all spread out and yearn for further connections in order to have a fully functioning gameplay experience. So we humbly ask for communications on whether there will be future player/server consolidation for the WoW Classic Era playerbase.


Grobbulus - RP-PVP

Note: For Classic Era players viewing this thread, please comment stating whether you affirm or deny the above petition for communication on future player/server consolidation.


Affirm, don’t let these long term subscribers lose interest. We don’t need any toys, we just want to play with eachother :c


even if they would merge all the classic players in US, youd still only have like 400 ppl playing all in all. Its dead

We need fresh


Affirm. This may be the only thing that gets me to resub. Lots of new MMOs on the horizon.


This. Ive stil got 60s on grob, I wont play till we get fresh.


I’m in the same boat, I have loved playing classic over the last two years and was subbed for the entirety of it. However my sub runs out tomorrow and I won’t be resubbing until Fresh Classic phase 1 servers are announced.


yea tbc is pretty garbo


Affirm. These are your most die hard fans, keep em keen, they deserve it!


True their is to many servers for the amount of players currently playing to make it feel alive and playable other then solo quest .


It would be nice to hear something on this issue.

However I understand the recent survey had queries concerning Classic Era so perhaps Blizzard is waiting to receive those responses as well before communicating further. I am content at this time to give them more time to formulate/announce any plans. I am also fine with further connections, merges or maintaining the status quo. I plan to continue playing regardless of the outcome.


While I agree a response from Blizzard on future mergers would be nice, for the moment and the short-term for those who want to raid will just have to fresh re-roll on active clusters or transfer. That’s just the reality of it.

Pagle (PVE) cluster ally is running all raids including AQ40/Naxx weekly. AQ40 full clear. 10/15 Naxx
Whitemane (PVP) cluster ally is running all raids with AQ40/Naxx on alternate weeks. AQ40 1-night full clear. 10/15 Naxx
Faerlina (PVP) ally is running raids up to MC and planning to do BWL soon.
Faerlina (PVP) horde is running raids up to AQ40 weekly.
Sulfuras (PVP) horde is running all raids including AQ40/Naxx weekly. 13/15 Naxx.


Affirm, I would love for the Classic Era to become relevant and full of life again. Whether it be server merges or fresh, I’d play either route.


I agree, some consolidation would be nice, but either way communication would be appreciated. I can understand wanting to wait to see how the situation unfolds, but it doesn’t seem like things will change in the near future.


Totally 100% support, affirm.

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we need a merge on all realms just have 1 pve realm and 1 pvp realm imo just throw the rp realms in with them too then fix the pvp ranking system and change the debuff limit on bosses and buff boomkins rets and dps shaman shadow priest etc these 3 changes will make these era servers amazing. and in regards to the survey blizz made a couple days ago about fresh i think this could be great if the patch cadence is shorter aslong as ur fresh characters gets rolled over to the era realms after the cycle and on the fresh servers u could have different rules for every season kinda like diablo3

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Agreed, valid post


100% Affirm. C’mon Blizz! Do the right thing here!


That’s not dead.

I feel like we just need anybody to recruit to a specific server. Just somebody decide, and be a voice for the community. Recruit individuals, groups, guilds, and consolidate the playerbase on a particular server.

Like, why not actually put your effort towards doing that, since it has the potential to be productive and do something.

How hard would it be to recruit raid loggers to fill a raid group? IDK, but it’ll be a lot harder if you don’t try.

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Affirm. Help us stay with you before we leave for Nostalrius 2.