Classic Era 1.14.4 PvP Update Schedule

I decayed so much… avoiding ranking because of all this… Oh well, guess it’ll be time to grind on the 22nd >:)


I just wanted to say that I feel for those of you who stopped ranking because of what Blizzard said.

This is a case of people who pay attention and prepare and who then get punished for it. While I am happy for those this helped, that’s pretty backward.


Really really stupidly obvious things like this, are how you can tell that no one working at the company actually plays the game they work on consistently.

Like not having the basic decency or foresight to understand the potential issue with the way they’ve worded their posts smacks of incompetence.

Now, the obvious solution to this (and what the company should have been both doing and saying from the get go) is as such:

They know what your highest achieved rank on any given character is. This is a given fact because everyone migrating into TBC realms would gets those titles back. So that data has to already exist somewhere on your vanilla account.

That SHOULD be the rank they just “reset” you to once this patch launches.

Why in the world they are making this any more complicated than that is beyond me. It doesn’t need to be complicated at all.


This Deathbounty guy “just play more than they do”. Bruh, most of us are 30+ with jobs, careers, responsibilities. We play on our free time, or make time to play. I wake up at 4 or 5am most days to get ready for work.

Idk how I would feel about myself or the situation I would be in if I just stayed home and played wow all day…

IF rank 14 isnt obtainable by causally playing then it needs to be re worked again.
I don’t care if it takes 14 weeks casually playing but it needs to be obtainable for working class people who DO NOT WANT TO PVE

I know this guy and he just likes to mess around on the forums. He also came back because of this update to rank again.

Agrimar was being hostile and deserved that response.

Jesus Christ.

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Gj not quoting the rest where I said it could take a very long time as long as its obtainable.

I would say by AQ 20 when all the pve people start murdering everyone that don’t raid.

Yep. There we go. Another forum alt 100% confirmed.

Why eradicate a fundamental aspect of vanilla in classic? If people want a retail honor system, they can go play retail? Why would they do this? What is the point of everyone in rank 14 gear? The grind is supposed to be an achievement in patience and fortitude.

not everyone has time for it

So what, I don’t have time for a lot of things, that doesn’t mean all standards should be lowered to cater to me. Just ridiculous, man. I never got rank 14 either. The most I got in classic and som was rank 11 I believe. And that’s fine. Because the fun was being in the trenches with the people you met. That is all gone now. Now you can just call it in and get your welfare pvp gear. No point in coordination, or forming communities. No seeing the same people for long periods of time, because they already capped on Wednesday.

What was the point in obliterating this fundamental aspect of classic in classic? Thank God they’re doing HC, because classic would be over for me otherwise.

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Ayyyy 2 AV’s up right now

I’d say it’s more like a rep grind now than retail in how it is, but I’m also pretty #nochanges to classic. I hated their blue post announcing it because of how it put absolutely zero emphasis on team play which to me is a massive part of what made the old system special.

However, people do seem to be still grouping up and enjoying themselves so I can be ok with it while also being glad I binged on the old system to where I could experience it fully.

Agreed. Fun with other people while doing a fun activity I love is by far why I get addicted to the grind. As long as part of that remains I personally can handle it.

This has been my concern the entire time. I’ve gotten attacked over having it several times as well.

Yes, 500k is nothing.

Developers who want to put their mark on the Era part of the game instead of leaving it alone.

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being hostile

point out the existence of the PvP Bracket mafia that EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER RANKED KNOWS EXISTS

response is gaslighting

lel he deserved it!


Well hopefully there will still be some semblance of what made the honor grind interesting. I don’t see it tho. It just blows my mind that they felt some need to delete this fundamental aspect of classic. Like why make classic if you’re just going to make it something else because you think it’s a good idea?

Everyone’s got to get a medal. The same mistake over and over again.

Because they have retail-brain. It’s all they know. The OG blizzard is long gone.


Yeah, you’re right. I just figured this task was so easy, even they could do it: Don’t erase classic and call it classic.

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Yep. Well, what can tell you is that there are PVP Discords forming I know of a decent number of people who came back just to rank using this new system. So that all makes me feel better.

There are quite a few people who are hungry to rank with others, even with this new system, myself included but I’m still really trying to hold off and do other things.

I do not like that Blizzard basically has, from what I can tell, put this out to appease the people who have no desire whatsoever to play for any reason outside of their own selfish ones. People who don’t really jibe with what classic Era should be, as we already have other versions of WoW for players with these preferences and they shouldn’t all mirror each other that strongly.

500k is definitely low.

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My lifetime kills dropped from 145,740 to 14,810 with this update. Certainly not ‘most’. Is this a bug or planned?