Classic Dungeons in Shadowlands 9.0.5

Couple of classic dungeons (all of Dire Maul and few others) are completely bugged. Highly suggest blizzard take them out of the randomized factor of dungeons until issue can be resolved. It’s really killing the fun in the game and we’re getting penalized for leaving the group if the dungeon is bugged for 30+minutes.


Same issue today, and a few BC dungeons/raids may also be affected

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Hey, they’ve only had 4 days, you can hardly expect them to take action on something like this in that time. I mean it’s only affecting everyone who’s levelling in Chromie time with classic dungeons right?

Not going to be playing these alts for a while, as I’m guessing this won’t be fixed soon, even though removing dungeons from the randomiser is such a simple solution. Watch them not do it.

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