Classic Client Build 51056 is Now Available

Respectfully, please stop touching Classic Era. Ideally, you completely revert this entire patch beforehand. This game needs zero updates or changes, just basic maintenance. Focus your efforts elsewhere.


Timestamp 33:38 is when its discussed. If you participated in the PTR, you would have already known about it. One of the devs goes on to cite game security maintenance for the client shift.

You can claim that’s a hand-wavey excuse, but it wasn’t blindsided.


+1 just change the game back to what it was before Tuesday please. Literally just let classic era exist the way it was and don’t touch it. That’s all we want


Yeah I vote for this as well.
Was a simpler time. A smashing time.
A more populated time.


Please stop changing the classic client.

There is a ton of lag when interacting with at anything random. Sometimes looting is instant, other times its taking 5-10 seconds before things pop in my bag. It just took 15 seconds for an auction house item to even register that I bought it in the UI.

Also, please revert, or greatly tone down the layering. SW is at 1/3rd of its population, IF has like 5 people in it. Questing hubs are ghost towns. It makes era feel dead, when it absolutely is NOT. You could barely see the ground in Stormwind the day before the patch with no UI lag. Now we have layering and theres lag? What?

“Points spent in X talents” at the bottom of the talent window is also blank.

I can pick a role for myself in the top right of the talent window now too??

Did someone just push a prod commit from the wrong repository or something? There are features showing in the UI that aren’t even relevant to vanilla at all.

Really though, the most important thing to me is layering, and the world feeling alive everywhere. Cities, questing, WPVP, etc. Its the life blood of vanilla. If you layer the crap out of us, the game slowly dies. The bedrock of vanilla is/was the community interaction in game.

If this layering was turned on with the expectation of an influx of players due to the PVP changes or something, at least tell us that, and let us know it will be reduced/turned off when the population stabilizes.

In case you need some help, here is a tweet from friggin’ CHRIS METZEN when classic first came out (you know, one of the dudes who helped create the entire Warcraft universe as we know it?):

Its a 19 year old game. Just leave it alone. We want it as is.


This is my biggest problem right now. You want to make a few UI changes? Ok. I guess. But why did they take the WORLD out of Warcraft all over again? It literally pains me to see how empty all of these zones are now when I couldn’t walk 10 steps without running into and interacting with people on a regular basis. And yes the constant lag is a major gameplay buzz kill right now as well


Players are reporting the absence of the purchaseable transfer service. This same thing vanished briefly when SoM was implemented so I’m unsure if it’s a bug or intentional.

Either way, can you please put an end to the over-a-year-long abuse of the free transfer service? I made a thread ([Classic Era] Exploitation of Free Transfers) about this topic back in April and predicted this exploitative behavior months prior in several tickets.

the lag thing is really obnoxious yes :expressionless:

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This is deeply saddening to hear.
Before the patch, I was one of those people who would wander around helping as many people as possible through their quests.
After the patch, I lost interest and just stopped playing, and instead began airing my complaints here on the forum, but for every 1 person who has come on these forums and said “I’m unsubbing. see ya”, there are probably 100 more who just peace out without saying a word because in their mind, it’s futile to even mention you’re leaving or to air complaints here.
They just… leave… ghosting this game and the community.


Those defects probably shouldn’t have happened to begin with but I appreciate Blizzard addressing the problem and communicating the matter with the community.

not all of us have the time to watch 30mins of a boring podcast of some losers justifying how they are gonna screw the playerbase over next.

most of us go by what bliz is communicating to us directly in posts and patch notes, not whats hidden down the back of a couch that only the most extreme fanboys would know about.


Literally what all of the video is!

i have not seen a single blizzard post about changes to the client. all the bliz posts have carried on about hardcore and changes to pvp, not a single mention to the changes in the client. Like i just said, not all of us are extreme fanboys and just becos they mention it, once, in a video, doesnt cover them from NOT MENTIONING IT in a single blog post, forum post or patch notes.


You’re moving goalposts and reduced to frustrated name-calling. Though, you started out this thread by invoking objective Evil so . . .

they dont want us playing vanilla classic, they want us playing retail where we have to buy store mounts and microtransactions just to succeed in the game.

they are willing to risk ruining the game to appease the souless shells who call themselves blizzard executives.


im not the one moving goalposts lmao. You’re just a fanboy.

anyone who cannot see that blizzard (and almost all corporations) are objectively evil in this year is living in a media fueled fantasy. CONSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUME

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despitebeing you’re so obnoxious :expressionless: they should have made a proper announcement about the client changes, not mention it once in a stupid podcast.


Is this you?

something like…

We are making some changes to the vanilla classic client, here are the listed changes we are making…

dot points, etc

Like this would have been a nice start but instead they are making the change, without telling us, and then gonna apologize to the community. Im willing to put money on it.



Sure. My point is that it was communicated ahead of time and if these crybabies participated in the PTR, they would have already been in the know.