Classic Class Choices Competition!

Started back in wow at patch 1.6 I think with my first account, changed email and got a new account again in 1.7 or 1.8. First level 60 was a Tauren Warrior. Wasn’t my favorite. So I will probably go back to my Orc Hunter. I was near top of my guild in DPS. Top 5 normally. Was great. Know that Troll’s are better with their + to bows, but I always liked the + to pets on Orc’s. Not as strong in raid content, but I doubt I will end up doing raiding again, so slightly stronger pet will be better for solo farming.

This has been pretty interesting! I have tallied the class selection so far. Keep on stating your class, spread the word, and await the overall scores!

Priest for me! It was my first character back in vanilla because my brother-in-law warrior wanted a pocket healer. It will be my character this time around as well because my husband warlock wants a pocket healer. :blush:

Prot warrior. Makes it easy to find groups. Everyone loves a good tank. Plus plate-wearing orcs look pimp.

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im not really sure but it all depend on which faction im gonna play.
Most of my friends like horde and i originally played horde first.
If horde
1 Hunter
2 Rogue
3 Mage
If i manage to get my friends to play Alliance then it will be.
1 Paladin
2 Warrior
3 Rogue

Warrior, because I like pain.

Also because my other choice is hunter and I can do that to relax

Seeing as how this is a very well-researched community, it seems like the straw poll results are ranked by how well classes are able to min/max endgame content. I think Hunters are so far down the list because their damage sort of plateaus after BWL. Of course, every class has their utility.

I’m sure that the numbers represented on live servers will be different with more casual players added.

(Edit: PS I’m playing Holy priest the correct way this time. as a dwarf!)

Hunter, here!

Also, Mage.

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Night elf hunter and tauren druid

Night Elf Mohawk all the way


This was by far my least favorite of the WoW commercials because of the party grenede thing that would make everyone in the aoe have a night elf helmet thing with a mohawk and people would spam the hell out of you with it and it was just old, very quickly.

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Rogue for me, because it was my main in Vanilla.

Resto Shaman for me. I debated between playing a tank or healer for a while and eventually settled on shaman to try something I never really played with in Vanilla.

As for most popular class, I’m banking on warrior with mage being a close second.



LFM Paladin only guild!

Enhanced Shaman with a focus on tanking five-mans and UBRS. I want to show the world that shamans were only screwed out of that role because of a lack of supporting raid gear.

Perhaps a year or two after Naxx is on farm and we get some vanilla flavored extra content…

Dwarf priest - best healer

Male Human Paladin. It is always the correct choice.

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Enhancement Shaman
That dps support life

I am going to go with a Night Elf Resto Druid. Probably roll a hunter of some sort as an alt.

Kaivax knows true F.U.N. Just as father Plankton has taught us, we must truly embrace F.U.N.

Paladin is my choice

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