Classic character identity inquiries

Will you hold on to your identity and name your classic character the same as your retail character or would it be frowned upon?

Scribbleton has always been an Inscriptionist first, priest second. Neither will be available to me in Classic.

(Gnome of course)

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I’ll actually be playing something completely different this time around, Female Human Paladin, and I’m really looking forward to the change :smiley:

I was never really one to stay with the same toon on retail though.

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I will be playing something slightly different. Still a Kul Tiras Marine, but I have no interest in re-living my Flash of Light healbot days. I’m going to play a Human Rogue with a different name/identity/background.

No reason you can’t RP being a scribe without actually having the game mechanics-enabled profession.

The Priest part is a little tougher though… not having access to any Light-wielding spells can prove a challenge, but maybe your character could be more of a Monk type character using the Rogue class, kind of like an inquisitor type? It probably wouldn’t fit your character’s personality though… dunno, just an idea :slight_smile:

I think I’m going to stick with Scribbleton but as much younger. Not as in 15 years younger because that is the timeline of classic, but as upwards to 100 years younger. Since I put pen to paper, Scrib has been old. Very old. I’ve never put much consideration into what he was like as a much younger, naive and curious gnome.

Before it happened…


Dorf warrior of the same name, yes.

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I wrote Benedikt as not handling undeath well and being a right bastard working under the name Carnifice Bile awhile back.

Could be interesting playing an evil version of him from back then but tbh I never got far with Priest back then. Maybe it’s because I was a kid and lacked the patience for healing but I never got one past level 30. Just sorta lost interest.

Maybe he could work as a Warlock. Alternatively I could resurrect my Rogue who believe it or not was named Bellmont and RP’ed as a Deathstalker commander. It’s a bizarre coincide there’s an NPC running around that’s basically him and I imagine it’ll be a struggle to try to get that name again.

I’d probably come back as a Tauren Shaman. The Zigra story line has been played out.

post scripts are not really tall thin fonts.

I’d like to play a younger Senneca, especially since I’ve already written some stories about her youth. Unfortunately during vanilla, even if there were playable goblins, she’d still be a child and living in Kezan,so not really possible. I’m going to have to create a new character.

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No highmountain for me. Writing a story already that will hopefully give my new bull some identity… even our Tribe is branching out and will be run by a council of tribe leaders, one orc, one troll, one tauren. It is like a brand new world, and yesterday was a lot of fun seeing the old familiar haunts.

I’m looking forward to reading it! Redwood Tribe almost makes me want to play the superior faction, Horde…

but Gnomes are #1 and I’ll prick your ankles to prove it