Classic Census?

Is there anywhere to look at the server data? I am curious as to what the % of classes being played is. I always liked to see how each server panned out as the weeks went on for newer servers back during Vanilla.

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Here’s horde side for the Westfall server:

im shocked at how even those percentages are and how low the rogue is… what is going on with classic? lol

Rogues are a PITA to level…

Yeah that’s really shocking. Maybe people wanna try something different? Who knows.

There are so many level 1 warrior bank alts/afk characters that the warrior data is off. I find it on my server too. If you click level 1 on the census addon most of them are warriors.

This is the 2nd time around, friend… we know how much it sucks!

Any other sever data? Balancing etc…

For me Warrior was always the worst to level. I loved tanking, but I could only stomach the class till 20 before switching to druid, and now rogue. I honestly cant even decide what to play.


i’m not surprised at all to see rogues so low.[quote=“Anndd-zuljin, post:3, topic:290744, full:true”]
im shocked at how even those percentages are and how low the rogue is… what is going on with classic? lol

well first of all this isn’t early classic so rogues aren’t absurdly broken in pvp.
second of all, both warriors and mages bring more dps.
thirdly, rogues are a pain to level.
and lastly - rogues bring very little to a raid group outside of dps.

Choosing between rogue and druid was hard for me. Eventually I went with druid and have been loving it. It’s such a fun variety of roles and solutions in classic.