Classic Beta is up on the Blizzard CDN

What you’re actually hoping is that there will be an NDA.

There almost certainly will not be one, though.

Im glad for beta, I still havent made my mind up… Lock or Mage… Lock or Mage… Alliance or Horde… Gnome or Troll… OMG I cant.


Yeah beta would be awesome to test stuff and actually make our mind on what classe and race we’re gonna play.


If I get into a beta I’ll give both Human or Night Elf Priest and Troll Shaman a try, as a way to let me decide which one to go for at launch.

To each their own. To me a beta is for testing, not a preview to figure out what you want to play.

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The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

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To be fair we can both test and preview.

I’ve gotta pick a race and class either way. Might as well double up on the benefits and pick one I’m thinking of playing.

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Let me innnnnnn Blizzzzzz! :pleading_face:

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How does someone gain access to the beta?

I hope everyone already signed up for a Beta. The mass broke the page.

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How do you sign up?


Under your account, there’s the opt in to beta settings.

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You can opt in under your settings on battlenet

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Release date announcement imminent.

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So it is the CNN of wow forums?


If by CNN you mean “People said it was fake news, and it was true” sure :stuck_out_tongue:

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You can run the game client directly instead of using the Battlenet app (at least you could with the Blizzcon demo, and still can with the current retail game, so I see no reason that it won’t continue to work). You only need to run Bnet to get updates.

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Fake news = news people dont want to hear -2019 for ya