Fix’t that for you.
They are going to post at the last minute duh.
Four minutes.
If Friday is a holiday there like it is here, they only have tomorrow to announce it(and the next 3 minutes).
They should definitely send me an invite tomorrow so I can have a 3 day weekend to test things.
The beta is likely to be sometime soon and 44 days from now
If Friday is a holiday there like it is here, they only have tomorrow to announce it(and the next 3 minutes).
Not in California as far as I know. At least, I don’t get a long weekend for Easter. Missing Australian Aprils.
I hope its only a closed beta. Imagine not getting in and having to watch streamers and youtubers play for a month. Rip hype
I could live with that, as long as they tested the stuff I want to see tested and verified. Im certainly not going to be LEVELING a character in beta to be honest. Leveling takes a lot of time and effort, and Im not going to burn out on a beta then have to do it again for launch.
As long as the streamers can be reasonable and test and verify all the things most of us want to see tested and verified, I’d be fine with watching it. I want to see and test pathing, skills, node locations, tradeskills, mob ai, dungeon mob placements, patrols and behaviors and especially the Mod UI and API. I would love to have access to test that stuff, but as long as the streamers test it, its fine.
Im certainly not going to be LEVELING a character in beta to be honest. Leveling takes a lot of time and effort, and Im not going to burn out on a beta then have to do it again for launch.
I got to 20 in the open beta for Vanilla then just started swimming around the continents to see what I could see.
I’m super excited im going to be refreshing all night while i study for my trig exam in the morning.
Help I need a shot of Narcan, I’m Overdosing on the HYPE!!!
Help I need a shot of Narcan, I’m Overdosing on the HYPE!!!
You need a shot of Nahbro. Much more effective.
WoW so no blue post for confirmation today
You mean 19 =P?
Personally I don’t even care about playing in the actual beta if there is one. I’ve pserver’d enough by now. However just knowing there is one would mean we’re almost ready to go which is awesome.
You mean 19 =P?
No? Vanilla Open Beta in 2004 didn’t have a level cap. Someone got to 40 and we all pitched in a gold so they could buy a mount.
NOOO!!! It needs to be DURING summer, NOT at the end of it!! /sobs
(To clarify, I’m a teacher, not a student, and dammit, I don’t have TIME to play as much as I want during the school year!! /sobsuncontrollably)
One of my jr high teachers slipped on a peach in the cafeteria and broker her leg, didn’t come back for a couple years.
My 5th grade teacher too slipped on something while we were on a field trip amd shatter his knee and was out for a few months came back for like 3 weeks and for some reason went back to the place he fell and if you’d believe fell and broke his knee again.
What im saying is, break a leg out there!
One of my jr high teachers … broker her leg, didn’t come back for a couple years.
My 5th grade teacher too … shatter his knee and … went back to the place he fell and … broke his knee again.
Are you implying that they did it on purpose to get time off? Also, are you inferring that this person:
To clarify, I’m a teacher
… should consider it? I would be shocked if I had not worked with others who did. Grinding in Classic WoW though? Seriously?
One more thing. Yesterday morning I kept thinking about a game audio clip. It was a female voice that said, “Embrace the shadow.” Does anyone know whether that was WoW, and what NPC triggers the audio clip. As a side note, searching for it led to learning that a psychoanalyst named Carl Jung has been noted as the first to theorize about a shadow self, and that we ought to embrace it.
OK, yet another thing. Who do I have to talk to about a beta key?
I hope it’s a stress test type beta and not a 4 month figure out everything beta.