Classic Beta is up on the Blizzard CDN


I can’t post links but you get the idea :slight_smile:



Depends. They will run in the same client woth the same subscription. It might jist be a tab under the server list (like us/Europe/asia

How am I supposed to focus on work when there is talk of a beta? I’m vibrating with hype right now. If they confirm an RP-PVP server I might explode.

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I don’t know how this usually plays out but I would have thought for an already built game they’d announce a release date before discussing the beta?

And so it begins

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Flipping heck


We live in a time where they would rather not give a release time frame for fear of missing it. The question remains: would we be more upset if they miss their date? or if they don’t give us a date at all?

Six of one.

They provide release dates for expansions which are larger projects and carry higher risk. At this point I think the release date is a business decision rather than being dependent on development.

Me when I keep refreshing the page hoping for a blue post:


Its probably a culmination of both. I think players just feel somewhat un-important to blizzard given they are so excited about the game and aren’t going to be given adequate chance to plan ahead.

Im just sitting here like… do they even read the forums regularly… like do they even know we are here blowing up on this?

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What if the “classic summer” is a classic beta test so the game can actually be pushed back to November for even more authentic feels? /tin foil hat

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I’m just sitting here like


Oh they know. They are reading this right now. They aren’t going to announce anything until ready, or if they have a meeting on it.