Classic Beta is up on the Blizzard CDN


YAY! I made it to the bottom of the thread! I can’t believe it! This thread is growing so fast!

Wait, What was I going to say again? dammit!

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A smell a blue post within the next 2 months regarding the beta


only people I find with the hype are on this board… I need to make friends in game that will play classic with me…for…ev…er…for…ev…er

Classic wow forums: the anime.

So many twists!

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Bold prediction


Beta is where ill let all the nostalgia settle in…

when it goes live…

its time to go to work… 60 here I come.

Hopefully this is legit, getting sick of waiting!

Where’s mah blue post!

Do you guys think they’d leave us in the dark like this?

They must of known we would notice any sign even the slightest sign of movement?

Where are all the " There won’t be a Beta, there’s no need. You’re stupid for asking" people at?


We’ve been in the dark long enough to forget the light. Yes.




Too busy trying to get onto the Beta Profile page that crashed. I set that 10 years ago and never changed it, yo.

It’s wonderful to get hyped a bit, but don’t expect them to launch it right before a “holiday weekend”… At earliest we might hear some beta related news next week…

I feel like some people are drinking in too much hype right now, as if beta was going to start tonight or something crazy like that… In the words of Super Troopers, “Settle down, meow.”

Holy cow… this post is lit with replies.

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Like legit, we just passed up the post for EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT CLASSIC post bahahahha and its been up for how long?

The fam is back in town…

Maybe its a metaphor because everything we know about classic is nothing. Except for the july 16th release, we for sure know that. You cant change my mind.