Classic Beta is on the CDN

It’s getting closer. Blizzard just posted the Classic WoW beta on it’s CDN (Content Delivery Network), which is where they fut files waiting to be pushed out to customers. I played on the Battle For Azeroth beta & it was a neat experience. There were bug reporting tools, but I suspect many people were not using them. I have a feeling that the beta versions are more of a marketing/hype tool than a testing tool. TipsOut (YouTub’er) has screenshots of the Classic WoW beta, don’t know where he got them, but kudos. So, right around the corner. I am super excited & can’t contain myself. Go to the Blizz site & make sure you are signed up for beta testing.

This is ground breaking news.


I think you mean he has screenshots of a private server

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I’m going by what he said. He says they are legit & I tend to believe him.

I haven’t seen it, but he does have a video up claiming to have screens of a classic beta.


That’s what I assumed to, which is why I didn’t click on it.

Hey OP, can you tell me what the lottery numbers were last week?


It’s not a private server. It’s the Classic Beta client.

The client should not ever have itemization details - that resides on the server where it can be controlled. At least that is how I understand it to work.

Nope, but I won $4. Yea me!