Classic Ashran Brawl

I love Ashran, especially the classic version. It has a few problems though, and I would like to highlight them:

No mercenary mode

Queues are pretty annoying on horde. usually the wait time is between 12 and 16 minutes for me, but seeing 40m+ later in the evening isn’t a rare occurrence. A lot of people I play with are Alliance and we can’t play together like this, while this is no problem for the normal Ashran with mercenary mode.

Client/region locked queue

I play on the English servers in EU, but some friends of mine play in the German community. If I want to queue up with my friends we end up in either a full German queue (my friend queues us), or we all end up in the English queue (I queue us). This is not the case for normal Epic Battlegrounds and it shouldn’t be for the brawl version.

Queueing with groups is impossible

Even with 2 players it’s easy to wait 30~40m+ for a 10 minutes queue, but several hours isn’t a one-off either. You won’t really get in unless there’s a mass leave in one of the matches. This means that if I want to queue with my friends, we have to do the following:

  1. group up
  2. queue for the “desired” zone
  3. give lead to the person not from that zone
  4. other person leaves group and solo queues

To give an example, I’m from the English servers and my friend from the German servers:

  1. We group up
  2. My friend queues us into the German queue
  3. I get lead and my friend leaves to group to queue solo

We’ll get a queue pop shortly after each other, which is usually close to the expected waiting time instead of 4x as long, and we’ll get into the same match.