"Classic AMA on Reddit"...Heaven forbid you actually use the Wow forums!

You know things are bad in your community when Reddit is the less toxic choice. It was a great AMA!

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You aren’t wrong. There were too many OSRS comments and too many people trying to turn this into that. It’s not OSRS, can we stop asking for it to be? If that’s what people wanted they’d go play there.

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absolutely pathetic that OSRS and Classic + get more attention during a “vanilla” classic AMA than things that were ACTUALLY IN VANILLA

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burning the wick at both ends with that one ;D
but as far as classic goes, a lot of the players from then and even those interested in it don’t likely visit the forums. you usually post your advertisement/ public statements in public places where your potential audience is.

for the AMA, if it was only here it would be mostly an echo chamber.

these forums are not really set up for an AMA format, and lets be honest, the people here dont make it easy to want to do it here


OP is correct. Reddit is garbage, I would never use it for anything.

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People constantly whining is why they dont use these forums. They know their special brand of snowflakes infest the forums


Here’s one for ya… many veterans don’t use cutting edge social media platforms. I, for one, have the forums up as I am doing other stuff on computer and that’s recent. I use none of the above mess. I don’t even have facebook anymore because it became a cesspool of mommy blogs, politicals plugs, snowflake angst and really really inappropriate videos. I do watch a very limited amount of youtube and always for a reason. If I want to find out about a Bliz product I visit a Bliz site. If I want to find my bank balance I contact the bank. I see nothing wrong with discussing wow on outside sites but the NEWS needs to be posted here first - it’s just common sense.


Neither would surprise me.

You do not know that. You have no way of knowing that. It is pure supposition.

The WoW forums do this.

I think it’s even worse than that. I believe it’s because it’s easier to ban/block/avoid people on other platforms.

Banning someone from here for their AMA question would be a fiasco. Some nameless, faceless Reddit mod (that cannot ever be held responsible for their actions) shadow-bans you? Chances are high that no one will ever know. Including yourself.

Not really. In Reddit, for each comment, the replies are locked to that comment and don’t appear further down. Each comment can becomes it’s own mini-fhread.

In the WoW forums, it might show the replies to that comment on that comment, but they also clog up the rest of the thread.

It is far less convenient for an AMA.

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Very few blue posts, at that. Ever since they laid off half the CS staff they don’t really interact with the community anymore. The current blues function nothing like the previous blues. We get informational blue posts, sure, but blues don’t really answer questions on the forums or talk to the community anymore.

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ROFL. This is a great quote.

Lets be real, they chose reddit because it’s better than this hellhole.

Go browse /r/classicwow for a few minutes, then browse here for a few minutes.

If you still don’t understand why, then you’re part of the problem.

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Someone already explained the second part, but Blizzard themselves, the people with the numbers, have said they reach many more people on social media then posting on the forums

I just went to the front page of Reddit. It’s all uninteresting trash.

There’s all kinds of interesting stuff to read and talk about here.

By the way, why are you here if you passionately hate this place?

Let’s see…

It’s all trolling an amateur comedians trying desperately to be funny. Yet failing to be funny at all.

Lot’s of stuff I want to read and respond to.

The WoW forums are a little spicy. Better than the blandness that is Reddit.

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If they had the AMA on the forums and advertised it on the launcher? They would reach as many people.

It’s ridiculous to believe they “reach more people”. All the WoW and gaming subreddits would link to a Blizzard AMA on the WoW forums.

The only time I EVER use Twitter is to check @BlizzardCS. And ONLY because Blizzard posts there first. Otherwise I would come here and check the support & announcements sections.

They reach people on social media only because they put everything on social media. Forcing everyone there specifically.

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And it’s ridiculous to believe your own narrative vs. blizzards numbers /shrug

Besides, the #1 reason is an AMA would be a mess here, these forums are not made for that type of thing, reddit is the perfect platform for AMA’s

So where were you? Did you post any questions about what you actually wanted answered?