Classic access for people with 2 active subs


I was wondering if I have two active accounts on my blizzard account will I be able to have two instances of Classic open at the same time?

Blizzard recommend having your children on the same Blizzard account so what if both parent and child want to play classic at the same time?

I have no idea, I would hope so.

You definitely should be able to

You will be able to log into Classic with each active subscription. Just like you can log into Retail with each active Subscription. The subscription is shared across the game account Retail and Classic. Not one per Battle Net account with any number of active subscriptions.

If they decide to change that, then I will be unsubscribing my 2nd account. As it is, the lack of a Focus target or the ability to do it like 1.12, is leading me to amalgamate my characters and disable my 2nd account even before they change it.

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I’ve been looking to find that information from a blue poster but I haven’t found it yet, did you see it from a blue poster?

No, but they said multiboxing is fine, in an interview. It would be absurd to require people to split their Battle Net accounts up just to achieve that. The whole point of the Battle Net account is to amalgamate them.

In light of no information, common sense should prevail.


Do you remember if it was multiboxing using one blizzard account or many blizzard accounts in the article?

Yes, it would but we are talking about Blizzard here, do you think CS would know about this?

It was the statement that multi-boxing is fine and will be supported. But they intentionally made it so you can put 8 game accounts on one Battle Net account to help unify those multi-boxer accounts. If they are going to make it one Classic per Battle Net only, they’re making more work for themselves, for zero gain and will lose a lot of subscriptions because of it.

They probably would, but when it comes to making money, Blizzard doesn’t make too many mistakes.

I got a reply but it’s not definitive.

One beta per Battle. net account. Sad, but true.

If you have multiple subscribed accounts, on a single Battle. net account, you WILL be able to log into multiple Classic characters simultaneously.

Don’t see why this wouldn’t be the case. You should be able to log in to Classic with both accounts if both have their own subscription.

Really? this is possible? Cause i have 2 active accounts and cant figure it out. Basically from the drop-down box above the Play button there is only one beta option for me, and it is for the overall battle net account. Then below that i have all my BFA accounts. When i try to login to classic wow from the client login screen (instead of from the battle net launcher) it says invalid account or something.

Help me Eloraell , you’re my only hope! :smiley:

EDIT: Just realised maybe you were (and this whole thread) is talking about release classic and not beta? Damn, i had hope :disappointed_relieved:

Yeah, you can’t get 2 beta accounts. You’d need 2 active Battle Net accounts which get into beta each.