Classes With a Developer Assigned Rated by "Feels"

So I decided to go make a list about what each class seems to be saying in the forums, and what feedback is being actively applied, and state if each class feels like it has a developer assigned to it or not. Here we go!

Death Knight - Oh 100% has a developer. Getting all they want and more. Has minor grievances at best.

Demon Hunter - Remember Legion? Thats probably the most recent time it had someone.

Druid - Definitely no dev assigned. “Druids are done first cause they have four specs” and are then never looked at again.

Evoker - Has probably 2 devs? In a great state.

Hunter - Hunters agree on nothing so assigning a dev would be a waste of money.

Mage - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Has a full personalized team solely dedicated to each spec and hero talent tree, making this class absolutely insane.

Monk - There is an overworked dev or two roaming around to a few classes offering single reworks and then never returning, this was one of the reworks.

Paladin - Uhhhh…

Priest - Shadow and Disc each with their own dev. Holy is shoved in a dark corner somewhere and forgotten about. (holy is doing well right now but shh). Oracle had a personalized post to be looked at and changed, and that STILL hasnt happened.

Rogue - Is this even a class?

Shaman - Roaming reworker strikes again.

Warlock - Finally has a dev assigned!! Woo!!!

Warrior - Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

What do you all think? Agree? Disagree? Lets hear it!


Lol…the hunter comment is 100% correct.


least bitter druid

Monk appears to have a dev, but the nonsense that they still insist on Jadefire as key talent for WW tells my that these devs never played WW themselves in raid or high m+ keys.

Edit: also the fact they they build flurry dps increase on tiger palm as a chi builder instead of putting the dps bonus onto a spender raises some concerns if they know what they are doing.

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I am having an existential crisis