Classes, tuning and changes for some but not all

I am just curious why some classes (mage, lock and DK to name a few) get all of the talents actually looked at and issues addressed while other classes like DH and Druid it’s literal radio silence with no communication and no word that they’re even listening to the feedback. Can another dev or someone explain why there’s such a difference in how certain classes are treated when compared with others? It just really is starting to become so obvious and I don’t understand how higher ups just ignore this?


Their biggest development team ever!

Makes me miss Ghostcrawler…

It’s like we’re back to philosophy classes again, reading “Animal Farm”.

All classes are equal, but some are more equal than others :slight_smile:

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and priests. dont forget priests.

Why not forget priests? They did lol.

OP forgot priests so thats proof they’re unequivocally the new shaman right?

Add rogues to that list please, maybe we’re so good at stealth even blizzard doesn’t see us anymore

Specs/Classes that have had nothing done or just been nerfed
Bears - Only change was to our general tree that actually made it worse
Rogues - Basically ignored outside of their hero talents
DH - Got a nerf to VDH that was needed, otherwise not much else
Priests - A little change in the general tree, but their hero talents are so nice people have ignored them
Warriors - Small changes but still need a good bit more given how unwanted they have been
Evokers that aren’t Aug - Give us a reason to invite anything but an Aug.

Classes that have had work but still need alot of work
Druids that aren’t bear - Survival is crap, rotations are wonky, damage is gutter
Shaman - a rework they spent MAYBE a week on that left off 1/3 specs and the other two look like they were put together with a game of darts.


This is exactly right. Warriors still lack utility compared to all other classes. As a prot warr myself, we have literally not heard from blizzard in 1.5 years, we have received like 8 lines of blue text including this upcoming expansion. In DF beta, they iterated on like 5 different concepts for a cool new ability for prot warriors to have some utility, then they scrapped them all, and have been radio silent since.

Then, they come and destroy the warrior class tree (those that actually have played the class know it is worse for prot warr than it was before), iterated on 2 of the most useful talents in our spec tree (gave us a hard to get 5% magic dr when in defensive stance and made 2 talents never taken for ravager into a choice node).

Just all around shameful, absolutely shameful, how some specs are just told ‘screw you, you all get no changes’ for a NEW XPAC

Know the feeling. I’m a bear. I’ve received zero communication.

I just wonder if they’ll ever get to the point of not making any new classes so they can actually focus on the current ones! New classes are not always the answer!

Dont forget Healers are in worst state they have been in expansions.
Druid healer - made significantly worse. DF S4 version is better in every way without having hero talents.
Shaman Rework looks like barely a rework. Class tree looks like they were building a gameboard and you have to connect the dots.
Survival hunter - Feels like they forgot theme of spec. it Has no cooldowns to manage, it has no dots to manage, Mongoose bite barely does damage so why manage it? Just spam overtuned bombs.