Classes Needing Nerfs: A Healers Perspective

  1. Feral Druid
  2. Dev Evoker
  3. BM Hunter
  4. Frost Mage
  5. Assassination Rogue
  6. Fury Warrior
  7. Demo/Affliction Warlocks

You heard him boys;

Tanks are on the menu


Hpal and Pres need slight nerfs too.

and specs needing buffs:

  1. Fire mage
  2. Arcane Mage
  3. WW Monk
  4. UH
  5. FDK
  6. Holy Priest
  7. Rdruid
  8. DH

If those specs get some tuning and the overperformers brought in line, we could have a very balanced season. Once BM gets nerfed, we will see a lot of specs rise up in the ranks since they wont be oppressed every game by BM


Yes Holy paladin is a stand outhealer. Pres doesn’t feel that great to me.

Specs needing buffs:

  1. Resto Druid
  2. Unholy/Frost DK
  3. Fire Mage
  4. Holy Priest

Havoc DH is fine they had there time to shine.

Aside from holy priest, I’ve played a little with all the healers. Of these, rDruid is by far the worse. The healing is incredibly weak. My dps will die despite me spam healing them in tree form. It’s so bad you’re almost better off rooting/ccing the enemy dps rather than throwing up HoTs. In 2s the feeling is alright, but for 3s, its hideously weak imo.

Yeap agreed resto druid definitely needs some buffing I’ve had the same experience on my resto druid.

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where rsham

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Quick question because I want to know if it’s just me or not, does anybody else ever see a UH any of their toons in arena & go:

‘Ohh sick free win?’

Especially when I’m on my hpriest or warrior.


-prot war
-prot pal

-dps dks (both specs)
-fire mage
-arcane mage


I lowkey don’t want to see Frost DK buffed or else we’ll lose our daily post
I guess that actually applies to both DK specs

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Fixed it for ya pal.

Not sure what an arcane mage is but we don’t want any.

Also, frost dk needs a complete rework instead of buffing otherwise it goes back to gimmicks like draco cleave which is unfun for everyone.

DH, WW, and arcane are fine just like they are not bad and not overpowered.

I would add MM Hunter to this list. The stealth nerfs to Aimed shot/Rapid Fire makes them do garbage tier damage. I’d put them on Fire Mage levels now.

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Marks can stay dumpster tier.



Assa rogue is dumpster tier compared to a lot of specs. Even trying to control the game with CC. Kingsbane does crap damage now

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I’d rather see sin good then outlaw, at least it can die.

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When outlaw is good, which they are right now. It almost makes the game bad. Outlaw is just a hard class to play and actually do a lot of damage. I’m terrible at it

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Agree with this list even though it really pains me to support buffs for some of these specs.

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something something unpunishable something something cc mumble mumble.

+nerf demo
+nerf outlaw
-buff arcane