Class tuning September 17th

Just trying to be practical with my expectations. I don’t expect to see a full rework till 2025, but I DO expect the next legendary item to be for priests (and other cloth casters maybe :roll_eyes:).

I’d rather it wasn’t. TBH, I’d rather they do away with ultra rare leggos with huge performance boosts. The leggos have all been exeedingly annoying for the classes that have them when you get a little unlucky. WoW isn’t the same game it was back when legendary items worked as drops with M+ being a thing.


Just did a +2 and damage still feels underwhelming compared to the monk and warrior I was grouped with…

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Thats because your Single Target was buffed by 6% but your AoE via Psychic Link was nerfed by 11% - effectively not changing overall damage output at all.