Class tuning September 17th

  • Priest
    • Shadow
      • All damage increased by 6%.
      • Psychic Link now inflicts 25% of its direct damage to targets afflicted by Vampiric Touch (was 30%).

This good or bad?

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Its a single target buff that keeps psychic link dmg nearly the same


More than I was expecting. Less than I was hoping for.


This says “we hear you, but you’re not currently scheduled any dev time.”


It doesn’t keep Psylink the same - it’s a deliberate nerf to AoE, but the funnel target takes more damage.

100,000 damage converted to 30% is 30,000.

106,000 damage converted to 25% is 26,500.

8 targets that’s 340k total vs 318k. So it’s definitely a nerf to AoE :stuck_out_tongue:


Pshh… math? What are you a wizard or something?


It definitely wont make anybody take shadow for it’s ST while reducing the AoE non the less.

Factoring in all the other tuning at least on ST everything did move a lot closer together.

It’s 6% better for arena, 6% worse for m+


Bad overall, it’s 16.66% damage reduction to psychic link. The 6% single target offsets some of it, but it’s still results in over 10% less AoE damage for a 6% single target buff.

I can’t state enough, Shadow needs a full rework, not numbers tuning.


It’s a nerf to psychic link, but a buff to dots. You forgot to take that into account.


Link isn’t the only component to AoE and everything else was buffed.

We desperately needed an ST buff. My parse will go up 51,000 with this buff. I’ll take it.

For Mythic+ it’s a small nerf, but we’re taken for Mind Soothe and PI anyway. We do trash damage. Doesn’t matter.

Big PvP buff.

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Got the same damage buff as Balance but balance also got 20% boosts to its main abilities, and we got a nerf to psychic link. I’d say yikes


It isn’t the only component, but it is still a majority of our AoE, our DoTs barely tickle things, and Halo is great to have a 6% buff on but this just makes Voidweaver once again fall further behind due to it’s reliance on Psy Link Spread damage for Void Blast

Totally agree. Once again we get a token alignment for raid at the expense of m+. That said my sp is still like 200k behind my arcane mage in similar gear. Between the nerfs to arcane and the buff to shadow they cut it in half and pissed me off for different reasons on both classes I play.

Until psylink is decoupled from our entire single target kit and shadow crash becomes a frequently useable spender preferably that applies swp instead of vt while dealing actual damage, the spec will be an abomination with terrible balance. DoTs will never deal good damage and our single target kit will never deal damage.

Oh, and the mastery has to go.


Yeah thinking about it, the nerf to psylink is probably more because of Halo getting a 6%, lol.

It is a pretty substantial decrease to psylink that DoTs won’t make up, but Archon Halo is a thing.

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Sleepy math:

Single target is 6% damage increase.

For AoE on six targets:

Before Primary Target 100 damage and five other targets 30 damage for a total of 250 damage.

After Primary Target 106 damage and five other targets 26.5 damage for a total of 238.5 damage.

It’s a 4.6% decrease with 6 enemies in s group and a 6% increase with a single enemy. More enemies results in a larger decrease in damage.

I think there is still a fundamental problem with the way that Shadow Priest performs AoE damage and the nerf doesn’t help.

My personal commentary on the matter is that I don’t care about either of these minor adjustments, I do less damage than the healer on some packs because Shadow Crash is on cooldown and ALL on the non-boss fights do not stay alive long enough for me to utilize Psychic Link. I will appreciate being 6% stronger on the bosses where I blow my cooldowns to top the meters to make up for the fact that I was lowest damage for the past five minutes.

3 stars out of 5 stars. I’m legitimately indifferent about this and I don’t have any complaints about it.


This doesn’t take into consideration the negligible damage our dots do that isn’t shared with Psylink, but yes, you are right

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It also adds value to any of our other AoE options like inescapable torment and idol of nzoth.