Class tuning posted

When did i type out that i didnt take it? i said its not a mandatory pick, you can absolutely run without it and still do the same or higher dam over a match. just finished a 1v2 vs 2 warriors whose highest dmg for both of them was odyn’s fury, while i played a build that didn’t use it. is it a bad talent? no, is it a must have for 3v3 arena? no thats all i was saying.

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Then everything is fine. I was just usually seeing all fury’s picking odyn’s fury, from like 1k to 3.5k experience. And for most the bleedings that will get nerfed were usually very high on damage/burst. And wasn’t it helping you a lot with Slaughterhouse?

it just comes down to how fast you want dmg to come out, rampage juiced early does what odyns fury does, but doesnt bloat the cd popping and does it instantly. For slaughter house on burst 3 rampages in quick succession is super easy. i continue to play with and without it to see little differences, but it is hardly noticeable. time to kill is slightly faster without it just because it being an added global that deals a good chunk of its dmg over time.

Napkin stuff I posted on Pali forums losing 10% mastery scaling and getting the 5% aura buff. I have the honor gear and it is a slighly lower increase in ST damage in the PvP gear once BG/arnea scaling takes place but its pretty close to the same.

582 gear I have 41.2%

100 base + 41.2% mastery = 141.2 damage
105 base + 37.1% mastery = 144 damage

2% seems about right in this gear. What about the judgement proc though? That’s losing proc chance as well correct? I haven’t done a ton of testing but it’s 4%ish single target correct? I’m getting 4-5% on the boss dummy. If we lose 10% of that proc damage it’s ~1.6% buff to single target.

If we lose both proc chance and damage of the proc from our Mastery (which is the way I read it) it will be about a 1-1.2% buff.

In full mastery honor gear its probably closer to .8% - 1%. You won’t notice anything really, but it does fix the mastery is greater than all in our gearing. It was better to stack mastery prior to this than primary stat, losing item levels to stack mastery. Not great design.

I think once we have full conquest/mythic+/Heroic Raid gear maxed it will be very close to a total wash depending on mastery levels on that gear, likely less than a 1% difference. It was a way to fix the problem of Mastery scaling without nurfing or buffing, within 1%ish. 2% if the proc chance/damage is unchanged (unlikely).

This is a fix to a gearing issue for Ret not balance tuning.


Strong healers should stay strong, and underwhelming healers should be buffed big time. Damage dealers should eat most of the PvP nerfs.

For a starter, caster MW should have much stronger ranged damage, like tripling CJL damage, Dome of Mist will probably be removed in the next patch but I agree it’s not very clean game design right now

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good thing boomkin getting giga buffed

so now they will do 12 times the other classes damage in epic bg, instead of just 10times as much


press starfall one time watch it do 40 million damage

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i will but only because i want to play TWD

This is what happens when MW gets nerfed into the dirt. Dot classes get out of hand. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this. S1 TWW is going to be a train wreck. The forums will be entertaining though.


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Hey man please get back on mw immediately. Seeing you on WW was just embarassing you did about 5 damage and sat full roots with tigers lust collecting dust, I actually threw up irl

If u wanna touch his groin so bad u can just ask him


I don’t remember seeing you at all. That’s the impression you leave.


Yeah bro god forbid someone gives something a try once in a while. People like you are so weird, its like you think people don’t practice or have lapses in game play.

Post up the game since you remember it so fondly, I’m sure you played immaculately.


I think 3rd overall out of 80 isn’t too bad

https:// media.discordapp .net/attachments/541731652712398848/1278839664865972385/image.png?ex=66d6e0ff&is=66d58f7f&hm=bf67eae99b9d8f578fdc3f4a30db5fd3d8fee94b0370062228c85cf3acdfa59d&format=webp&quality=lossless&

Top damage on alliance side on my boomkin little man you saw me I was emoting you while dropping full moons on your dome serving up one ways back to the grave yard

Here I was thinking it was 2k shuff smack talk but really it was random bgs


Yes im the weird one definitely not him the guy who left 50% of his shuffles in DF and makes greifing other players his main form of gameplay. Yep definitely me

You are a 2k shuffle player so hop in

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All ele dmg nerfed by 6%…intended for pve due to AoE strength of stormbringer, but carries over into pvp. Sure the mastery change helps long term and net/net it’s like a 3% nerf, but a nerf is a nerf.

Meanwhile aff gets no changes and spriest gets buffs. I see you blizzard.


I think ele did need that pve nerf to be fair. Im really curious to see what tuning changes we get for heroic week.

Im really disappointed there’s still no rated content, though. Or even the ability to Q for rated, but with rating locked.

It’s so weird how delusional people are by thinking they’re the main char and everyone is taking notice of them at all times

brother, you are one of like 200 people I’ve fought against in BGs, you didn’t stand out, you aren’t Naruto, at best you’re that kid with the runny nose from that one ep


Lmao how does that happen? Without bg buffs or flasks…