Class Tuning Incoming with 10.0.7 -- March 21

Well, in my case once I choose a class I keep it for that expansion.
I play with friends, be it M+ or Raid. The constant change of meta doesn’t affect me that much.

What might take me away from the game are changes that affect the mechanics of my class. Numbers come and go, but if they change, for example, the formula in which Rage or Holy Power is generated then I might stop playing.

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You are what I am referring to here

and you straight up lying on the forums isn’t toxic?

I can assure you what you stated doesn’t apply to you. You are not forced to constantly reroll.

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Quit harassing me, I don’t appreciate it

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Calling out BS isn’t harassment

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Have a good day


I am actually excited for the changes. I wish Aff was more viable in keys but I think having 3 good specs for certain situations is a good thing.

It isn’t BS to me

His lock isnt even 70.

No one is forcing you to do anything. SO yes your opinion is BS

You can literally just not switch and play what you enjoy instead of bandwagoning. And you’re accusing a guy who plays Affliction - something that has not been meta this patch - of being an elitist.

IDK man I think you just need to have some willpower and just play what you want to play instead of blaming Blizzard for why you feel the need to switch constantly.

The amount of complaining in these posts are hilarious.

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Oh, I know this one! It’s from when they’re already internally completely overhauling that spec for the next expansion, because its core ability needs to be un-stolen for the new class that is being introduced.

…I’m having trouble seeing how that could possibly apply to bears though.

Why? Is this some kind of PvP thing?

ZERO tank nerfs need to happen in PVE.

I thought demo was looking great with the buffs that were already announced, but sure I’ll take more.

Meanwhile I’m just being handed the Demo buffs and just thinking “…thank you??? Like I was good bro but thanks” lol

The talent’s their nerfing are the new ones that haven’t been added yet. They’re replacing some really crappy talents, so even the nerfed version will still be a net gain. Affliction already doesn’t need help for ST. It just needs a redesign of seed of corruption.

Demo needed buffs tbh, aside from cleave it’s kinda weaker than it usually is. >_>

I felt cozy with it. Lol but I’m not super into checking data and all that.

The changes will be fun once we get the next armor set bonus in the new raid. Since its less about “summon all the imps with hand of guldan spam”

So yay :slight_smile:

They are too OP in PVE. Nerf is needed and what players want for brewmaster.

Why on earth would you want a tank to be nerfed for group content?

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They are too easy and too powerful not fair to other tanks.