Class Tuning Incoming -- November 22

Don’t hurt unholy dks :frowning:

quit crying about aoe caps they should uncap the specs that been capped for so long and let us truly shine and let you walor in misery like so many specs have for awhile.

Still nothing for paladin? The class tree for paladin is one of the worst ones and its been radio silence all beta about retribution.

Can yall atleast tell us how you see ret? Yall said “charging into combat on our horse, and removing hinderancs from ourselves” was class fantasy, how does that work if steed and freedom are both a talent that could or couldnt be taken? Shouldn’t core fantasy be baseline lol?

Also why is steed STILL gcd locked and snareable? With a talent point that increases duration by 1 second? Doesn’t feel good.

“Oh no we have to rush rush for timed content, what a disaster!”

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Can’t even tell if this is sarcasm lol.


Yeah frost mage is now a farm toon.


Are Drac’s getting a tank soon? These ques are painful, and alot of people think they are useless and burdening others. 15 years and no mail tank class is silly. DKs came out, could tank. Monks came out, could tank. DH’s came out, they could tank. See the problem?

while I’d prefer it also be 8 targets it works the same with shadow crash as it will still hit stuff beyond 5 targets, except that target 6 and up take less dmg from sear, the dot extension functionality remains.

Edit: keyboard ate a word

Ion & Elon separated at birth?

Just sayin’…


I never said it didn’t do damage beyond 5 targets, I know how it works. They went from a previous uncapped (though all uncapped aoe is capped at 20 targets) straight to 5 target soft cap. Not only skipping the 8 target soft cap that other classes “uncapped” aoe spells were nerfed to, but also not being matched with SC’s 8 targets. The change just doesn’t make sense. In fact most of Spriest aoe have mismatched target caps. Inescapable Torment is 5 target hard cap. Dark Void is 15 target hard cap. Mind Sear is 5 target soft cap. SC is uncapped damage, but 8 target cap for dot application. Idol of Yogg splash is 5 target soft cap. Idol of N’zoth is 4 target cap for application, 5 target soft cap for damage. There’s no consistency.

Could Fury get some buffs elsewhere? Currently Arms is doing pretty well, and got some buffs.

You haven’t played beta at all have you, Affliction is the weakest of the Warlock specs right now.

It’s doing good in pre patch cause it has Shadowlands power.

So many people in here looking at pre patch and not what is happening at 70, stop it.


They forgot to fix disc priest mana though.

How is AOE spam fun? Explain how it’s remotely ‘fun’. Sounds like they just wanted something anybody can do. Sounds so boring.

thank you tenchar

this effectively kills unholy in large 40v40 pvp team fights. the main damage output is done in salvos of epidemic timed with other cooldowns and procs.


You’re killing me Blizz!!! You’re destroying what’s left of FROST PVP


Blizzards tired and true tactics:

get everyone hype! do a failed “beta test”
Let everyone “have fun! look how awesome your class is!”
then…wait for it…wait for it…HOLD…NOW NOW NOW!

Nerf that class nerf this class NERF NERF NERF NERF LOL LOL YOU THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE COOL NERF NERF NERF LOL blizzard laughs in money


MM gets only 10% buff when affliction is doing double their damage?

Another reminder why It’s better to not buy till DF is fixed.

Warcraftlogs > mythic> 95th percentile > overall damage

Enough said



Oohh oof…