Class Tuning Incoming November 1

Blizzard rug pulled the Demo buffs

Will you please acknowledge Assassin Rogue Vendetta legendary? Was it intended to be a dead legendary now that Vendetta gone and replaced with Deathmark?

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Don’t worry guardian bears will be with you so you won’t be alone.

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Nerfing MM? Lock and Druid can be op for a year but you nerf one of the lowest performing specs in DF?


Keep this thread going ladies and gentlemen and we might actually get a response…keep going!!

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Breaking News: Enhancement Shaman in the ICU following a brutal and unprovoked attack by what appears to be an escaped chimpanzee from a nearby zoo. Mr. Shaman’s injuries sustained were severe and it’s currently unknown if he will recover. We reached out to the local zoo for comment but no coherent words could be deciphered.

Check back as we provide further updates.


Hey Kaviax,

There have been multiple hundreds of posts posted in the druid class feedback thread about guardian druid - a class that has gone with 0 dev feedback for all of alpha and beta.

any chance we can get some attention? we don’t even have an entry in the main list of dev notes.


im sorry but 25% is too much for the enhancement nerfs. especially when they fit in the tier of strong dps(top5) and they are the only ones getting a blanket 25% nerf. By far the strongest nerf. Also considering this is prepatch which alot of shadowlands powers are still active, isnt the best time to tune classes. Tuning classes for a prepatch… Also no dev comment. change this or provide some feedback please.


im sorry but 25% is too much for the enhancement nerfs. especially when they fit in the tier of strong dps(top5) and they are the only ones getting a blanket 25% nerf. By far the strongest nerf. Also considering this is prepatch which alot of shadowlands powers are still active, isnt the best time to tune classes. Tuning classes for a prepatch… Also no dev comment. change this or provide some feedback please.


Let’s just hope they’re this active with tuning when we’re in DF and legendaries are no longer in play, along with covenant abilities…

still no movement on fixing guardian druids but they are happy to nerf enh shammy in to the ground… gg blizz gg


I think you might have missed one, maybe two, of our abilities?

But seriously, I find it hard to believe we were doing so much damage that we needed every single one of our abilities nerfed. And if we were, kinda says something about the people who let us get that way.

In any event, I know what class I’m not starting DF with.


It was mr shaman fault he was carrying a bunch of bananas :banana:.

I guess they are taking the radio silence approach :frowning:…also those were my bananas!

RIP monks, you knew this was coming :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


No they are the monkey banana now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Well the nerfs for enhancement made it into the beta build as well…

So the new broken talent of DHs soulrend is applying a DoT that tics for something near 15k ~ 20k damage (non-crit) … that is just the most braindead talent/ability/spell implemented on the game, so now we are doing more damage than all DoT specs combined (aff lock, shadow priest, unholy DK, all of them) the difference is that DHs are doing this with a spell (throw glaive) that is pressed as a filler cuz there is nothing else to press because we have 3 buttons and one of them is metamorphosis so we pressed every 2 mins, and the other 2 are melee so if the target is far you throw your glaive and they die … they got to be kidding with this smh

how is posible that a problem that was reported multiple times on alpha and beta is still on the game???

can you please use the feedback Devs? please, is so simple as implementing a 0.10 multiplier on PvP it could take about 3 mins to do that


I just want to know the list of the S-tier classes so I can have some time to pick and choose on what I want to play.

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