Class Tuning Incoming - March 12

2% there, 3% there, lmao. Thank you for listening to our feedback.

Stop with the flirting and just ask for FDK buffs :muscle:t2:


9 in NA in the top 500 of 3s.

As a comparison:

12 ww monks
10 sub rogues
9 frost mages
7 deva evoker
4 affli wls

I mean, there are even 22 Shadows in the top 500 and its a barely played spec, so based on your logic we should buff sub, ww, deva and affli dmg too, right? :slight_smile:

Maybe MM need buffs in your opinion, but definitely NOT buffs to their damage as they already have good damage!!

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Really? Now that the last raid of the expansion is basically over. Really?

And people actually voted for this in the fated season. I’ve stopped playing my shaman because of the tier set. I want the lightning build back.

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Well of course i play DH…And pretty much every class on that list besides monk/priest.

No thanks. Ice Fury can die a painful death. Lava meatball build forever.

They nerfed Hpally into the toilet. On another note, healer DPS in general is pathetic and should be increased by 50 percent.


I would love to see a viable lightning build. I don’t like the requirement to multidot flame shock for Lava Blasts. Remove the CD on Flame Shock and I would probably feel different.

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criticizing is fine but when you act like a child dont be surprised when you are called child.

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I might actually give up on elemental at this point. At least if I reroll mage, priest, druid, or warlock, I’ll have a reason to be brought to group.

Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.

Doesn’t fix any problems.
Doesn’t change the meta.
Doesn’t change the tier lists.

Like what’s the point of this change?

I would love lightning build if it didn’t require ice fury. Forcing ice fury and frost shock into the lightning build ruined it for me. It would be cool if flameshock spread like sunfire for druids.

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Magma totem only spreading 3 shocks is absolute BS, give it a WAY bigger area make it apply 6 shocks, for the love of god elemental is losing so much uptime trying to get the flame shocks where they need them. Just let them drop the dang totem and P wave and start hitting.

And earthquake and chain lighting need to hit much harder. Fix all these things and ele won’t be in that bad of a spot, but at the moment, it’s so much work for optimization only to equal maybe ~75% of the DPS a good spec does.

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Only problem i have with lava build is the only reliable way to spread flame shock, either lower the CD on the totem or remove the FS CD

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Where are the ret paly nerfs???

The majority of the time Blizz isn’t going to change a meta at the end of a season.

This is almost comical, I see a lot of hard work going on behind the scenes hahhahahahaha

To mark a checkbox for the higher ups and pretend they actually pay attention to retail

It still begs the question.