Class Tuning Incoming -- February 7 (Updated)

You know what? I’m not even going to edit because you’re right, that’s comedy.

CLEARLY I need a nap :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


Yep. The place they were hurting, blizzard buffed.

Must be nice.

Good that their boosting Inquisitor’s Gaze’s damage and Wild Imp’s, but Vilefiend however…
I was never a fan of Vilefiend so I hope this change doesn’t make it essentially mandatory.

im working on all +22s at the moment. tbf there are some fights where im bored af there are others (hyrja) where i do not feel like i have enough in my arsenal.

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Yeah on Tyrannical at that stage if your team can’t coordinate personals on her you’re going to be screwed regardless which class you heal on.

I was in like 4 bricked 20-21 hovs this week so i feel your pain but i never really felt it was a pure lack of healing on my end.

People just can’t be dumb.

Gets annoying when people pull the “i do 1 key level above you so you clearly don’t know jack” card.

I don’t have that much free time to play and i have no team so here we are. I’m working on the team part.

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This is an appropriate and good change.

The set bonuses are screwing up balance so the set bonuses should get nerfed- the class should be left alone.


Thanks for the buffs! HUGE. We look better every week!

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Warrior Set Bonus Fix pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!!! Fury begs for worth!

Yea MWer is getting towards the tipping point where they are just REALLY good. I feel like they may work really well with the new buffed Blood DK since fistweaving isn’t as great at tank healing, and a good DK doesn’t really need it.

lmao I’m not playing the same game as the Dev’s.

What. is. Happening.

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This is just some tuning changes, more stuff is coming in 10.0.07 and beyond so don’t get too worked up.

so glad im not on retail at the moment, with the yo yo buff nerfs going on, especially to hunters which would be my main. They got buffed, they got nerfed, they getting buffed again to completely invalidate the prior nerf. Doesnt seem especially fun. I mean i guess its good-ish that they are actively trying to keep things somewhat balanced, but i dont know how well i’d handle having my player power bouncing around on a week-by-week basis entirely outside of my control

Yeah maybe. I do enjoy healing dks because I don’t really need to do much with them. I might throw them a 300-400k zen pulse + passive healing.

My favorite tanks to heal are still Druid / Monk. I feel like I get the most influential healing on them. It feels nice.

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Still a completely dead talent. You could buff it by 200% and it’d still be a joke.

Bring it closer to how it was on ptr, or drop it for another spell, like dark soul or meta.


step 1) nerf rogues
step 2) ruin rogue’s flow
step 3) buff everyone else

can you stop the rogue hate? pls :3

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can you not? at the very least drop it down to 3% like rdruid?

why nerf us this hard while buffing everyone else?

What is absolutely hilarious is that PvP has always been known for burst damage being king. After reading these notes and seeing that their intention is to not have damage on some classes not be “spikier damage” and want it to have “higher sustained damage”. It is not a raid.

everyone got buffs except mage, screw this so called balance lol

arnt mages alright now? ive seen frost mage finish with 78k overall in dungeons. looking good

Why does mage need buffs?