Class Tuning Incoming -- December 6

Why did you fix Arcane 1shot but ignored Evoker 1shot?

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Did you not read the patch notes?

Also, how did Warlock escape this round of changes mostly unscathed?

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Warlocks being disgusting is not a justification for your class being disgusting. You got brought in line, youll be fine.

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That is a huge nerf to that talent…

As a fury warrior main. I am very happy with this :slight_smile:

It is. But the bleed, revenge spam and passive self healing will be very good in M+ and large pulls.

I just tried Fueled by Violence in Halls of fusion. Was very stable. Just more ignore pain spam.

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Thank you for this. This should give us a little bit of more confidence to pull without blowing massive cds just to fight for threath.

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I dont think aggros been the barrier in retail for a long time now, Its way more about the expected pathing knowledge, pressure of being singled out as each group has 1 tank and high cost of mistakes


wow huge arcane mage nerfs RIP glacial spike nobody will take that now, not enough DH nerfs. Really bad so far blizz :rofl:

I got hit for a 200k elemental instant blast in arena but glacial spike gets nerfed???

Is the pvp dev checking maximum damage numbers in the logs because you guys completely missed shaman burst

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All this time and effort wasted on PvP. Y’all just need to kill this stupid game mode already and focus on the real game.


says who you? You have no idea what you are talking about

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Says me. PvP was a marketing requirement tacked on at the last minute and it shows.

Esport lol. Get real. Wow PvP is a joke. They have to pay people to watch it, it’s that bad.


Just because people dont watch the PVP esport doesnt mean people dont PVP. Holinka back in WOD said the same if not MORE people are queued into PVP at a given time than PVE. So you have no idea what you are talking about, so your Tribalist PVE vs PVP comment is worthless


Jesus Christ Blizzard, who is in charge of the tuning for all classes.

What about Bear Tanks, who are gods among men, that heal more than healers, that do more dps than actual dps classes and who can not be feared, slowed, stunned ect. Bear Tanks can do 70k damage or more in Mythic 0’s and are un-killable in PvP (most times).

What about Monks doing 150k damage in 1 sec.

Or Demon Hunters are un-killable with some of that leach and also un-kiteable.

Or Hunters taking 70% of your life coming out of stealth.

Quit nerfing Warlocks, Jesus and buff their AOE in PvE and make the other 2 specs viable in PvP.

Will Evoker Healers quit being the highest aoe damager dealers now?

What do we have to make a bear tank come kill you to get some actual changes?


If you’re threatened by hunters in their current state IDK what to tell you man. Our best specs (between PvE and PvP) are still kinda sad.

Pre-patch numbers are irrelevant. This buff narrows the gap adequately. I think MM is in an acceptable spot right now.
That being said, I’m not happy with how hunters are as a whole, but that chalks up to poor design.


not sure if you’re just talking about destro and affi but demo is actually INSANE in aoe right now. Just pop felstorm and hounds and laugh

have not played demo yet this expo, just Destro and Afflication. And both lack in AoE.

Destro - medicore aoe / great single target now
Demo - great aoe, good / decent single target
Affliction - was great, but is a joke in PvE. Only used in pvp now, and only in arenas, as it gets owned in battle grounds. But is king for arenas, as you dot and kite.

Would love to see the other specs get some PvE AoE love. And quit nerfing our damn armor. We die now. Stop.


Where is the DH nerf? This doesnt look even close to balancing them in pvp


With peace and love, how is Guardian working as intended in PVP right now? I’ve watched as half of an entire team tries to take one down and not be able to.

There is naturally going to be things that aren’t balanced, this isn’t like “omg nerfs” post, but it seems so comically unbalanced that I don’t know how it isn’t getting hotfixed.


thanks for gutting DKs blizz, time to re-roll cause of you guys