Class Tuning Incoming -- December 20

Sad xpac for balance pvp, now we have to expend more points into talents we not want and more points for talents we want. IDK if starsurge buffs will fix anithing, lets see, kinda disappointed atm.

Alright, which one of you Shaman beat Ion on the DPS meter?

Resto Shamans… Oof. We’ll be over here waiting for you to notice that we need some attention.

Agreed, you shouldn’t feel bad for pressing Overpower.

Man, they’re just condemning Devoker to oblivion. Rofl.

I’m gonna need you to stab my friend instead. kthxbye :stuck_out_tongue:

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Literally, no one asked for SHadowpreists to be even more insanely OP.


For real…
So you buff already overpowered shadow priest’s damage…
And you nerf feral druid.
Incompetent blizzard at it again


Agreed. I know it’s annoying now, but incremental changes are probably the best way to achieve actually balance

Devs need breaks too!!!

This class tuning is embarrassing at this point but I’ve grown to expect nothing less.

Glad they nerfed the rouges, vastly overpowdered omg.

MM is going to be garbage again.

Wait, why were resto druids buffed???

Did they accidentally buff the wrong resto spec?


You forgot to do anything with resto.

I’m glad I’m seeing some buffs to the lower specs and some minor nerfs to the top.

As a main Warlock this start raid Affliction needs more than that to bring it in line and Destruction is going to need more than 1 skill buffed minorly to bring it up. seeing other classes at the bottom got 12%-15% across multiple skills. kinda makes me wonder.

There are some specs that also haven’t been touched that are at the bottom like survival hunter that needed some assistance.

Ion’s a healer.

Shadow is gonna need like a 30% overall buff if you want us to compete with an outlaw rogue. FYI

So is the plan just to keep nerfing rogue for no reason? Baseline dmg outside of burst is nowhere near that of other melee classes but that is made up for with utility and an explosive burst… You are really on the way to nerfing rogue to a point where it wont be viable for any content. Either buff rogue baseline dmg or let them have an explosive burst.

Maybe you’re talking about PVP? It isn’t like that in Mythic+ Dungeons, at all. SPs have some burst dmg; but if SPs can’t get mobs in this little crash circle to apply dots, they can’t do much damage. Because of this, it averages out in the end. SP is the lowest average DPS in M+ Dungeons. Also, if there’s a running tank, it’s almost impossible to apply SC, and then the tank might have higher damage than the SP.