Class Tuning Incoming -- December 20

Come on guys I was only hitting like at most 220k with the hunt this is ridiculous you are GUTTING our class how am I supposed to kill people now???

By tickling them to death like rets outside wings

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Thanks linxy, Good changes devs… Got hit for 150k the other day with the hunt LOL.

Going through with MM nerfs despite not one single WF guild bringing them to the raid and only using BM. Embarrassing.

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Gonna be pretty hard to justify not playing Unholy DK now.

Ele Shamans grabbing ankles, as usual.

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We are just coming out of shadowlands and classes weren’t balanced or tuned for a long time and so yeah.

Lol the big hunts from from modifiers…
20% dmg from demon
20% fear debuff (now 10)
8% dmg momentum
25.5%+ dmg from Any Means Necessary…

So if you dont take Any Means Necessary, your hunt does 45% less damage now. again forcing us into a build thats not much fun (imo) just to keep hunt damage high.

Without Fodder, or Any Means, or Fear debuff, hunt is now just a 1.5 min charge lol

TLDR, I would rather see them reel in the modifier stacking and not Nerf base ability

Retribution Paladin getting no consideration at all?

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Blizz will regret all this brain dead nerf crap. we will just quit then they wont have the money rolling in anymore.
not our problem. it is theirs.

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Dude double was hitting to hard you can barely react against that

Having played this class and spec for quite a bit now I can say this… Rogues are already fairly weak as it is. It takes very precise moves to win and special trinkets to make magic happen… nerfing them will only make the class an even bigger pain in the butt to play with. Like seriously “Assassination - All ability damage reduced by 3%”, I can barely kill crap now as it was what is up with this?


They’re balancing from a spreadsheet. And it’s a bad one. In the areas where nerfs should happen, they’re nerfing the wrong thing. ADDRESS YOUR MODIFIERS!

And where they buff, it makes no sense. “Let’s take away the glass cannon’s cannon, keep them as glass, but give them a little consistent tickle damage. There… Fixed!”

Whoever it is that thinks they’re the mathematician there, send them back to school.

PvE already gawks all the content. PvP doesn’t require any content, just balance patches. Balance patches take minimal effort. Changing numbers can often time be done by a single person. It’s very good return on investment from a development perspective.

If they removed PvP, all they’d be doing is reducing a noticeable chunk of money out of their pockets.

Also, just because it’s not the type of content you enjoy doesn’t mean it should be removed. That is selfish, and myopic.

Still no death strike for the lowly frost death knight :frowning: buff unholy though

Arcane mage, the most stacked class. So broken in M+ deleting packs in seconds. NO nerfs. NO changes. Got it. We know what the devs are playing.

you know what’s not fun ? playing in pvp as a hunter when you have dh / warrior / rogue / ww monk / dk rolling you like its nothing , sticking to you without being able to counter all the toolkit every class have. now they remove us DT the only spell thats give us a small window to counter and kill someone. jeez. the problem is not hunter being weak. the class is fine in its current state. the problem is that there’s too many strong unstoppable melee dps.

Why are we buffing resto druid? You know, the best healer in the game?


Week 1 results out from the new raid … all three rogue specs in the top 3, 7/10 top specs are melee … you’ve outdone yourself this time, Bliz devs. Your ineptitude continues to amaze me after all these years.


The meta is never going to fade.