Class Tuning Incoming -- December 20

Where are the DH nerfs?? Still to much self healing in 2s and absurd damage.

Preservation needs some tuning too as it’s absurdly powerful

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Worldpvp is the most irrelevant thing. Its like the top casual, mediocre players activity. The game cant be and will never be tunned with it in mind.

That’s weird how we get PvP specific changes yeah, can’t and never will be tuned with that in mind :smiley:

The jokes write themselves.

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Prot paladin needs a mastery rework. Paladin mitigation tied to standing in consecrate needs to go. There is WAY to much movement in some of these dungeons. There’s multiple dead/worthless talents in both the general and spec trees for paladins.

Bulwark of order needs to be returned to 100% of damage dealt. The absorb shield from avengers shield is laughable now. People gave feedback during the beta cycle. It was all entirely ignored. There was no dev interaction during the beta cycle on the forums. If you have not noticed, paladins do not have an active dev that works on the class.

Also the fact that there has not been any brew changes yet is hilarious. Got lumped into a nerf that should have only hit prot warriors.


Why are resto druids, arguably the strongest healers atm, getting a 5% buff? I’ll just sit down here and struggle in shaman, I guess.


Is this going to be like SL where the top 200 performers across all fights ended up being like 90% plus druids, and yall pretended you “didnt have enough data” to balance things out for healing?

Ret sucks again for like the 12th year in a row.

Resto sham is pretty bad in raids.

But yeah. Lets buff druids. What?

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Blizzard your lack of class tuning over the last five years has probably been one of the top three things that make people quit this game.

Do you think people are going to spend hundreds of hours to a 1000 hours in a character and then re-roll it? Because you can’t do a good enough job. Yea right… 80 to 90% will not. Now this X pack there has been more tuning, but this needs to be done correctly and keep going forward.

Take warlocks for example, only ones spec is really viable. The other two specs struggle in each areas, with the exception of affliction for PVP.

Every single class should be between one and 2% of DPS with each other. This is not rocket science. You get to determine how much damage your spell does.

If this is rocket science then I suggest you go send your devs to work at NASA to get us on the moon quicker…

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No demonhunter pvp nerfs? I dont get it


Because they are incompetent.

the solo q leaderboards literally 100% are more DH in 2400 bracket than any other class in the game. im looking at this right now as we speak lol…

I think more like around ~5% most people would accept. Right now there is to much of a gap in m+ and raids included between dps. There are to many factors to consider. Blizzards problem is refusing to listen and apply feedback which was witnessed all beta cycle and near 0 dev interaction like usual. I think the only class that got constant interaction was hunters. Whoever created the warrior trees actually has a passion for the class because some of the other trees are dog water still to this day (paladin all specs and class tree flat out boring with a handful of dead and worthless nodes). Dungeon feedback, tuning feedback, feedback on dead/worthless talents, general class feedback. It was all provided and yet here we are. The problems reported on beta including some of the bugs had made it to live.

I would agree with that.

As long as every class can get over a certain amount of DPS threshold, whether that’s 35 to 40k single target etc, 60k to 100k aoe long as there are each above that mark.

Then the meta would slowly fade, there would still be the one percent meta for the very top top elite but the 99% of all of us can still just play whatever.

So yeah I would agree with that as long as it’s done correctly it doesn’t keep people too far apart.

Everyone hates seeing their class NERFED, everyone hates seeing their class in a bad place, and everyone hates being forced into a different spec or class because of those.

And I agree, the amount of bugs that people have got to experience, is quite ridiculous. From disconnecting when landing on an edge, your character having no strife buttons after you get off the dragon, to cut scenes broken dialogue cutting in and out, exploits, broken quests etc.

For the love of God blizzard, just take the 38 specs now and make sure they’re all within a certain amount of each other or damn near damn identical in terms of numbers. And then peoples play style and talents and their skill level will determine the rest.

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They’re still doing beta-level work on the Druid & Monk talent trees, for 10.0.5.

Rushed expansion.

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Rerolled off Shaman first week because I could see Blizzard crapping all over them this entire expansion to prop up their new evoker class :upside_down_face:

Now with the R Druid buff I’m glad I made the right choice to not hold out for Blizzard to prop Shamans back up.

This was me last expansion, was too heavily invested in my Shaman and played as a Link bot in raid for 2 years :joy:

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PREACH! Please throw us a tiny bone

and spriest and affliction.

The fact they had to buff one of Afflictions talents by 500% shows how undertuned the spec is. I do appreciate the work being done on these specs instead of being forgotten the entire xpac.


I can only hope they actually change talents, abilities, tree topology, and game play for Shadow Priest. I am not a fan of them doing a “greatest hits” design philosophy last minute instead of iterating on interesting ideas they had during alpha and the beginning of beta. What I would like to see:

  • More Shadowy Apparitions with ways to improve them
  • More control over void tentacle spawns
  • The option to choose between a consistent damage profile or a burst window damage profile

There’s no excuse for rushing out an incomplete product and forcing players to wait weeks or months for it to be finished.

This is steam “early access” levels of crap.

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Aw hell yeah, thanks Blizzard! This’ll help caster shaman survival so much!

How about maelstrom heals don’t use mana? Or an actual defensive that isn’t healing or an easily one tapped totem?

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they had their time to shine. a whole patch! during the only patch where m+ had no valor cap and the fun was off the charts.

it was ridiculously OP.